Wii Music


WiiChat Member
Mar 7, 2007
Had a quick search and couldn't find anything out about this upcoming title. I am very interested in the Orchestra part of the game.

So, the only 2 songs confirmed so far are the Zelda theme, and Carmen.

But what would other people like to see? Is there any ANY chance that you can have your own MIDIs on the SD card, and conduct those? As a composer myself, this would the ultimate game.

I don't really care about seeing the Wii-chestra. Just any program that would enable me to wave me arms about controlling the tempo of something I've written would be amazing!!

So when are we gonna hear something more about this game?
That sounds interesting. I don't know anything about it but it could be fun for those musically inclined.. now there is a guitar, karaoke, bongo, dancing, etc game available so why not?
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The 2 known elements are Orchestra, where you conduct the orchestra, and the speed is dependant on the speed at which you wave your arms. The other is a drum game. It was a big feature at the Wii launch, and you can find videos easily enough on Youtube (search for "Wii music")
being a drummer myself, ill tell you right now that all drummers out there will hate wii drums, i just cant imagine them geting a good enough response time for the game, and there is no way to have a hi-hat or bass drum pedal, hmm, the orchestra game seems fun though
Kind of on the same tip as Stranger for me I would have no interest in a game of that nature..I work with cubase..a very extensive virtual studio for professional music production and nothing on the Wii could even come remotely close to the limitless possibilities it provides..for around 750$ dollars cheaper though I'm sure it would tickle the fancy of some.
I play lead for my band I can tell you if they add some other musical option like guitar or other thingy's then well I would love it, music expresses you mood.
FOR MISTER Hailbut, not insulting you or anything but, orchestra would be so boring on a wii system. wave you arms fast or slower that would just bore people anyways my opinion:p
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I use Sibelius, mixed with Garritan Personal Orchestra, and eastwest Symphonic orchestra/choirs.

I don't want a sequencer for the Wii, but I just love the idea of controlling the tempo with my arms. Simple as that really. Would be nice if Wii Music could import MIDI files rather than be limited to whatever songs are included on the disc. I have some great MIDIs of Beethoven symphonies and the like, and would love to conduct them, even if only on a computer :D
Has anybody done the violin playing on the mini games on sonic? If this one's going to be anything like that then i'd buy it lol, I was in stitches playing it

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