Wii Music Plus Possible?


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
According to wii.nintendolife, wii music plus may be coming.

Will we see more of this?

Miyamoto sees more in the future of Wii Music.

ONM UK didn't just grill Shigeru Miyamoto on Mario, they also asked him some questions about other games. One of these was Wii Music.
It's quite logical to think that after Wii Fit Plus, Nintendo would also want to offer an enhanced version of Wii Music. But although Miyamoto would like to do more with the game, "Wii Music Plus" is not on the cards yet. Here's what he had to say to ONM:
"I think it sold lower than our expectations but on the other hand it was a really unique game, I have to say. And also, even today, we are receiving several different offers from people in the field of music education, so as far as Wii Music is concerned, I think it still has great potential. And in the future there might be some developments.

We may want to think about the possibility of making some improvements, based upon the original Wii Music.

Unfortunately we don't have any news we can talk about at the moment. But like Wii Fit Plus, it's not really a sequel to the original Wii Fit - but we have added some features to improve the overall experience. It's a kind of an enhanced version of the original Wii Fit..."
Would you buy a new version of Wii Music?

heres the link http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/article.php?id=13248
Honestly, if they had better/more diverse music; the ability for additional DLC, online live collaboration, and maybe a music creation tool, it would likely do better.
I really hope they don't do this. There's a limit to the stupidity of what people will buy, and this game just crossed the line big time. They will most likely make another one of these, but I really hope they don't.
To say it as geekish as possible: It's just a big failwhale
that would be really cool
does anyone wanna trade codes and see some of my music videos cuz i would love to see urs too

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