Sadness Wii music and details


Oct 23, 2006
Parker CO
Wii Online Code

some of you guys may have seen this....but I know a lot of people have ignored this title and some havent even heard about it.....


The music sounds great....and too bad they're not showing anything yet...its possible we may something around our smaller version of E3...or TGS.
It sounds very immersive...but Im a little concerned about the plot...but I dont think its gonna be that big of a problem!

Anyone else excited for this title????
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It really seems as theyre trying hard to make it feel real!
Theyve said its for adults with strong come on its got to be creepy! Theyre also getting rid of the HUD and puting in an invisible saving system!
sounds better then ever like vitual reality resident evil with out the guns and in black and white mmmm mmmmm* drools more*
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I wonder how it will be like
Well, one thing is for sure.

Nobody'll be crying for "M" rated games for the Wii for a while.
Because that'll be one hardcore game.
I'm too yellow-bellied to get it ]:
Least it shows the dum anti-fanboys that the Wii isnt all about kiddie games -.-
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PtonJalken said:
Least it shows the dum anti-fanboys that the Wii isnt all about kiddie games -.-

Yeah this game is rumored to have an AO rating!!!!
....wait would this be the first one????.....:lol:
hopes its proper scarey. games have never really scared me the past.

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