Wii mote suddenly not working correctly!

happens to me too, it ALWAYS spins to the left. thats why I dont play wii bowling.
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jrstubs: did it START doing that or has it always been like that?
mickt: it worked fine at first, for a long time, I haven't changed anything since then and yes it's correctly positioned.
mym6: everything looks fine in that sense, it looks like it always has.
never had a problem with the wiimote but i have with my nunchuk...

for example: when i play zelda link will move to the riight of the screen...as if the joystick got stuck or somtin....but all i have to do is just disconnect it and plug it back in..but it still does it here and there...
your hands natural movement makes it spin left but if you wait a bit longer so the realease of the ball is higher...it'll go straighter

uhh...that probably made no sense

but when you bowl hold down B and swing but don't release ....your mii's hand should stay up with the bowling ball if you try to bowl again....the ball wiill go straight
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well I know my hand naturally make it go left, but I learnt earl to compensate this to easily hit straight shots, now it's no longer possible though, I know about your "trick" too but none of that works it's impossible to hit a straight ball.
what i usually do is to aim towards the edge of the alley and release it. aiming to the right side of the alley makes it curve slightly left and so i can get a strike that way. this also applies to the left side of the alley where the ball would curve slightly to the right.