Wii Microphone


WiiChat Member
Dec 13, 2007
This has been bugging me for a while and I h ave been wanting to consult the Wii forums for this. "We need a microphone!"

I have lost just about all my interest in online play with Battalion Wars 2 because i can't talk online. I'm trying to play Co-Op while my friends about to be slaughtered and I cant say anything. After every game I have to run downstairs to msn just to tell him, "That was a good game. Too bad we lost".

The main point of being online is to have more interaction then what the single player has to offer. And right now, I have no interaction then the sad "Suggestion Button" in game that no one even notices when used.

There's been talk of a USB mic. But what's that!? That's eliminating the whole purpose of being wireless.

I have also heard of a Wii control with a mic built in. So what? That means I'm goign to have to run out and buy another remote probly more then 30 bucks?? It cant be installed because there's no port. So you're going to have to physicly buy a new control. Not to mention the weight and crowdedness being added to the remote.

Now, I see wireless blue tooth being used in here, the wii, in cars but more mainly, phones. I've seen those ones that go around your ear for dirt cheap. it works. It's small. Convent. And wireless. It seems perfect. I don't see the conflict in it.

These are my views and I'm sure there's someone that shares them as well. I'm not saying this just for personal sake, but Nintendo, if you had something like this, you're not just going to have the title "Light gaming". it's a big deal and it will attract heavier gamers.
This topic has been discussed MANY times on here. It'll definitely be possible, and easy, for Nintendo to implement, but they are way to concerned about the sercureness of the online with the whole friend code system. If Nintendo does decide to use a mic, it'll be similar to DS with friend/rival chat only.
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iOwnage said:
This topic has been discussed MANY times on here. It'll definitely be possible, and easy, for Nintendo to implement, but they are way to concerned about the sercureness of the online with the whole friend code system. If Nintendo does decide to use a mic, it'll be similar to DS with friend/rival chat only.

I have no problem with rival chat as long as there's some chat.
Here too. I dont mind not talking to strangers but when i want to talk with a friend in MOH:2 you cant.

I would pay up to 40$ for this service.
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laderer5 said:
Here too. I dont mind not talking to strangers but when i want to talk with a friend in MOH:2 you cant.

I would pay up to 40$ for this service.

Yeah, same.

It really is hard to balance with multiple convorsations with constant sound of machinegun fire.
i'm starting to wonder why nintendo is so worried about silly things such as this. there is such a thing called parental controls. parents can use if they are worried about their children. & if they do come out with the mic, it's obviously not necessary to play, parents don't have to let their children use them. but that's my opinion.
bubble0doo said:
I have also heard of a Wii control with a mic built in. So what? That means I'm goign to have to run out and buy another remote probly more then 30 bucks?? It cant be installed because there's no port. So you're going to have to physicly buy a new control. Not to mention the weight and crowdedness being added to the remote.

They're not going to make a new remote like that with a built in mic. Having the mic on the remote would be an AWFUL place for the mic. It needs to be near your mouth.
we need a head set ....! and as you can see the all redy have a usb mic for the wii games so what is the hold up ..?
As long as theres a mute button.

There has been to many examples why we need a mute button!
Well you have to remember its not just Nintendo its also the people that make the game they have the choice to allow voice chat and keyboard chat but they don’t add it all.
All it would take is that “one” game designer to allow it and also make a keyboard or headset that allow chat and voice chat to be allowed.
I think it is there stupid servers and to dumb to turn them on for voice chat. just get skype or somthing like that and get a bluetooth dongole and a blue tooth hedset there

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