Drums and microphone for Guitar Hero WT


WiiChat Member
Feb 18, 2009
I have Guitar Hero World Tour, currently with two guitars. I want to add drums and a microphone and have a few questions before I buy. The Best Buy guys didn't seem to know and just made up answers. I've searched these forums and haven't find an exact answer, so here goes:
  1. Do I need a separate remote for each of these? I currently have two remotes, and wish to use both guitars, the drums and the mic simultaneously.
  2. Do I need a special "WII" microphone, or will any USB microphone do?
  3. There are Guitar Hero WT drums and Rockband 2 drums. Leaving compatibility aside, which are considered better?

I have Guitar Hero World Tour, currently with two guitars. I want to add drums and a microphone and have a few questions before I buy. The Best Buy guys didn't seem to know and just made up answers. I've searched these forums and haven't find an exact answer, so here goes:
  1. Do I need a separate remote for each of these? I currently have two remotes, and wish to use both guitars, the drums and the mic simultaneously.
  2. Do I need a special "WII" microphone, or will any USB microphone do?
  3. There are Guitar Hero WT drums and Rockband 2 drums. Leaving compatibility aside, which are considered better?


1. You do need a Wii Remote for the GH:WT Wii Drum Kit. If you plan on using the microphone and at least one guitar simultaneously, you won't need a second Wii Remote. If you are only playing with the microphone and no Guitar, you would need a Wii Remote to maneuver around the menus.

2. Technically, any USB Microphone should do, although I have read of some that don't. I would recommend either the official one, or the Logitech USB Microphone (which is the same thing, only not GH-branded). Other Wiichat members may have other suggestions...

3. I haven't tried RB2 drums, although the Wii RB2 drums aren't compatible with GH:WT. Also, the RB2 drums don't have an orange drum pad...
On the drum thing "Leaving compatibility aside" it is person preference. I have used the RB1 Drums and own the GHWT Drums and like the GHWT drums more... That is my personal opinion.

As far as what you should buy... go try them out see what you like. I don't really see why someone would choose the RB2 drums over the GHWT ones unless they are just use to them from RB1. If you get the GHWT ones you can change the sensitivity on them with the tool (that is free from Activision) and set them the way you like. Not sure if you can do this with RB2 Drums. Plus as a added bonus you can use them on both games, can't do that with the RB2 drums.

Chiming in,

I purchased a used xbox 360 guitar hero branded microphone @ game stop for 10 bucks just to try for that price, and it works perfectly fine on the wii

So i figure any USB connected ps2, ps3, xbox, offical GH/rock band or off brand for those systems microphone should work.
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Thanks all - you've been great help!

I bought the mic from now and apparently (I think) I need a separate remote if I want to include it in the band. So, I can't get 2 guitars and 1 mic to work with only 2 remotes.

I'll wait for prices to come down a bit on GHWT drums and buy them too.
Thanks all - you've been great help!

I bought the mic from now and apparently (I think) I need a separate remote if I want to include it in the band. So, I can't get 2 guitars and 1 mic to work with only 2 remotes.

I'll wait for prices to come down a bit on GHWT drums and buy them too.

No, if you are using two guitars and a microphone, you should only need two Wii Remotes, one for each guitar. The only time you need a remote for the microphone is if you are only playing the game with the microphone and no other instrument(s).
Using 2 guitars and drums I cannot get the mic to work. I have to use a 4th remote to get the mic to join.

as a band or solo play, singer DOES need a wii mote to select and accept song selections etc...
as a band or solo play, singer DOES need a wii mote to select and accept song selections etc...

Wow, my bad. I guess I assumed that if you had another instrument besides the microphone plugged in simultaneously, you could use that other instrument's Wii Remote to maneuver the menus (like you can if you are only using a guitar or drum).

That's kind of lame that you have to still have a separate remote for the mic even if you already have other instruments plugged in... :wtf:
That's kind of lame that you have to still have a separate remote for the mic even if you already have other instruments plugged in... :wtf:


Not a big deal to me cause we have several multiplayer games that use 4 remotes, so we own 4 remotes.


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