Wii Keyboard


Television Consultant
Feb 14, 2007
Wii Online Code
Are there plans to release a keyboard, or maybe even a mouse for the Wii? It would make surfing the web so much easier. I don't know if there will be a need for a mouse though. There are 2 USB ports on the Wii, but is there anything out that uses a USB connection besides the WiFi connector?
This has been posted several times.
Please use the search bar next time.

A keyboard for the Game Cube was made for the online playing for Phantasy Star Online.
It works fine with the Wii.
You can probably find one for about 20 bucks if you look hard enough.
since there's those USB ports on the back of the wii, wouldn't it just make sense to plug a regular computer keyboard in there and have it magically work!? i mean with all these internet features like chatting and browsing, im getting sick of 'hunting and pecking'... sigh

and another thing... why isnt the virtual controller wireless? AHHHHHHHHH
OclafCire said:
since there's those USB ports on the back of the wii, wouldn't it just make sense to plug a regular computer keyboard in there and have it magically work!? i mean with all these internet features like chatting and browsing, im getting sick of 'hunting and pecking'... sigh

and another thing... why isnt the virtual controller wireless? AHHHHHHHHH
are you referring to the classic? if so it IS wireless. it connects to the bottom of the wiimote.
It would make sense to bring a keyboard and mouse out when the full internet channel goes live.

I tried my keyboard i nthe USB port and it didn't work.

I'd like to see a wireless keyboard and mouse and no wires.
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I thought I'd be able to plug up my Saitek and use it for the net. Turns out I was horribly wrong.

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