Wii is Next Gen! Stop saying its not!?

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all_eyez_on_me_88 said:
haha wait let me guess, you were the fool who donated $20's to smash a wii? i spose you gotta spend thoes big construction company earnings some how...

lol look at you getting all jealous. All you guys are doing now is making personal attacks on me. I am talking about the Wii and now you are attacking me and my buisness. I live in Kansas City. We got about 2ft of snow on the ground if you must know. Thats why I am not outside. Its about 15 degrees outside. And yes I make great money but dont attack me on that bud.


There you can learn all about me now. I just opened the door to let you attack the hell out of me personally.
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all_eyez_on_me_88 said:
haha wait is your name carl wagner? be honest? it was you who donated $49 wasn't it? thats abit sad really chummmmmmmmmmmm.....p!
all_eyez_on_me_88 said:
oh right yeah that addressed & answered my questions, nice one lol

yes actually... if he's actually in construction, he can't go to work when there's 2ft of snow covering all his work.

DO you guys even know how stupid you sound? You're arguing over the "DEFINITION" of generation. you guys need to seriously do better things with your time :lol:

Now after looking at another one of lethal's posts, would you buy a wii if it didn't have motion sensor? I think not.

I bought the Wii for Zelda actually. I already stated that the Wii isnt next gen but is still a fun console. In case you guys missed it. Here is a link to let you tough guys bash the crap out of me. You obviously get pleasure from it.

Yuu said:
yes actually... if he's actually in construction, he can't go to work when there's 2ft of snow covering all his work.

DO you guys even know how stupid you sound? You're arguing over the "DEFINITION" of generation. you guys need to seriously do better things with your time :lol:

Now after looking at another one of lethal's posts, would you buy a wii if it didn't have motion sensor? I think not.


thats like saying would you buy a PS3 if it didn't have sweet graphics, please, hush little one. if you take away the main selling point of any console it wont sell so keep thoes foolish hypotheticals to yourself or maybe PM Lethal about it & you can chuckle about it together. You must know something we don't know...
Yuu said:
yes actually... if he's actually in construction, he can't go to work when there's 2ft of snow covering all his work.

DO you guys even know how stupid you sound? You're arguing over the "DEFINITION" of generation. you guys need to seriously do better things with your time :lol:

Now after looking at another one of lethal's posts, would you buy a wii if it didn't have motion sensor? I think not.

Well once you think about it, what is a 360? A suped up Xbox. What is a PS3? A suped up PS2. If Nintendo wanted to make a traditional console, I'm sure they could have come up with a suped up Game Cube. They spent more time developing better ways to play the games instead of just making it look pretty.
and in answer to your question earlier Yuu about me having nothing better to do? your right, right now at this moment in time there is nothing better to do, im waiting for my mate to get out of work so i can stroll down the pub
Yuu's right. This isn't changing anyone's mind and all that's really happening is folks are getting upset or mean.

So, Lethal, what made you get Zelda for the Wii rather than the GC?
There isnt one piece of the Xbox in the 360. Nor is their one piece of the PS2 in the PS3. How is it suped up? Its all brand new technology!! Hense the words Next Gen.

Inspire said:
So, Lethal, what made you get Zelda for the Wii rather than the GC?

Well I really like what Nintendo is doing with the VC. Thats another reason. And the Wii is more powerfull than the GC.
Lethal said:
There isnt one piece of the Xbox in the 360. Nor is their one piece of the PS2 in the PS3. How is it suped up? Its all brand new technology!! Hense the words Next Gen.
I'm speaking in terms of gameplay. The controllers are pretty much the same. The consoles do the same things. They just look prettier.
this is over, no one will ever agree, if you scroll back you'll see that all i said was that there was a quote from some nintendo exec saying that the wii is NOT a next gen console, i then went onto say its really your opinion that counts & it comes down to how you interpret the meaning of next gen. and as we can see everyone interprets it differently which is just fine. me? i love diversity but then this Lethal prick started sounding off about how smart he was and i thought you know what, lets take this cocky SOB down a peg...
all_eyez_on_me_88 said:
then this Lethal prick started sounding off about how smart he was and i thought you know what, lets take this cocky SOB down a peg...

I take it from that 88 you are 18yrs old lol. You sound like it to. Im already done with you bud. I gave you a link to bash me. Use it, make yourself feel tougher. Now this is my last response towards your personal attacks.
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