Wii is Next Gen! Stop saying its not!?

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Lethal said:
\Game Informer says the graphics wont blow you off your socks. Why does that deserve a 10/10 in graphics department? lol it doesnt. Now if Zelda was made for the 360 or PS3 then it would deserve a 10.

And this is where reviewers lose a boat load of credibility. Saying the graphics are sub-par then giving it a 10/10 in the Graphics department is simply stupid.
Wii IS next gen.

FORGET about graphics. FORGET about gameplay. FORGET about originality and uniqueness. Next gen is simply what the game manufacturer sells next.

If Nintendo were to sell the WORST console in the history of gaming, it would STILL be next gen.
morg.ferge said:
Wii IS next gen.

FORGET about graphics. FORGET about gameplay. FORGET about originality and uniqueness. Next gen is simply what the game manufacturer sells next.

If Nintendo were to sell the WORST console in the history of gaming, it would STILL be next gen.

This guys got a point. BUT, Next-gen to most gamers means moving forward in some type of direction whether that be graphics or controls.
ABC said:
This guys got a point. BUT, Next-gen to most gamers means moving forward in some type of direction whether that be graphics or controls.
Which the Wii does both.

Controls: I don't want to bore anyone, as we all know the motion-sensored controls.

Graphics: Are they as good as Xbox 360 or PS3? No. But they're certainly better than the Gamecube. Hence, next generation.
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morg.ferge said:
Graphics: Are they as good as Xbox 360 or PS3? No. But they're certainly better than the Gamecube. Hence, next generation.

They are? Which games that are out on the Wii can NOT be handled by a Ps2/XBox1/GameCube?
Next Generation or not, the Wii is so much fun. Im hooked on Zelda, and SplinterCell is pretty decent itself. I have never had so much fun with a system except playing God of War on the PS2.
csiguy4u said:
the race of the nex gens consoles. . .please note that all three consoles are listed

NexGen Wars - who will win? you decide.

lol what is this? Because a bunch of kids think the Wii will win then thats it? 360 is dominating lol and people think the Wii will win? Good luck with that. Soon as Halo 3 is released its bye bye PS3 and Wii. Wii wont win the console war but should be a better contender thant he GC was.
Lethal said:
lol what is this? Because a bunch of kids think the Wii will win then thats it? 360 is dominating lol and people think the Wii will win? Good luck with that. Soon as Halo 3 is released its bye bye PS3 and Wii. Wii wont win the console war but should be a better contender thant he GC was.

i at least see wii getting pretty close to winning. i mean of course xbox360 has the advantage because it came out a year ago. and as for the ps3... no comment haha
alocubano1110 said:
i at least see wii getting pretty close to winning. i mean of course xbox360 has the advantage because it came out a year ago. and as for the ps3... no comment haha

Wait wait wait... you are telling me that you are trying to declare a winner for Next-gen console when most of them haven't even been release world-wide yet... Give the consoles 5 years and see what the Wii sales are at and see what the Ps3 sales are at.
Xbox 360 and PS3 are next generation in terms of graphics.
Wii is next generation in terms of user interface (Wii remote + Nunchuck), but last generation in terms of graphics. Xbox and PS2 quality graphics (minus the 720p or 1080i support) in year 2006 just doesn't cut it for me.

Xbox (2001) - 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i
Xbox 360 (2005) - 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p (only by VGA cable)

PS2 (2000) - 480i, 480p, 1080i
PS3 (2006) - 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p (HDMI)

Gamecube (2001) - 480i, 480p
Wii (2006) - 480i, 480p

I wish Wii had at least 720p capability. The games just look like crap on my 24" Dell LCD monitor or 50" Samsung DLP TV. I'm sure component cable will improve the graphics somewhat, but still far from my expectations.

Wii is a great little system to play on a smaller standard definition TV's, but on a large HDTV's, it just looks like crap. It's like watching movies in VHS on a HDTV. Looks crappy. Of course, it all depends on your tolerance level.
In 5 years the PS3 and 360 will neck and neck. High Definition will be huge in 5years. (movies, games) This is where the Wii will take its biggest hit.
ABC said:
Wait wait wait... you are telling me that you are trying to declare a winner for Next-gen console when most of them haven't even been release world-wide yet... Give the consoles 5 years and see what the Wii sales are at and see what the Ps3 sales are at.

allright let me restate what i posted... I see the wii doing pretty good in the future.
Well I don`t think that the Wii is next-gen...Its New gen..Instead of going in favor for the graphics whores it comes up with a Way to attract New gamers and old-school Gamers..the PS3 and XBOX360 is for the OMG I PwNED T3H n00b 0n-LINE!!!11!!LOLZ!!!11 hardcore gamers who have no life (No offense..)
Interesting. Consoles sold per day (average) according to nexgen wars website:
360: 20932.5307 consoles per day
PS3: 23527.8667 consoles per day
Wii: 86220.3846 consoles per day

(figures accurate from 2/12/06)
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