Wii Internet Connectivity Issues


Fully NextGen Enabled
Mar 19, 2007
Gold Coast, Australia
Ok, kinda gay as a first post, but hey, thought i'd ask experts.
I'm having trouble connecting to my Internet via my PC.

I have adsl, i dont have a router, but i have a USB wireless connector, i was told it had wifi compatibility. Problem is, i try and setup the connection on the Wii, all goes fine until the test, it says connection failed. So it see's the Network, but cannot connect. Do i have some setting wrong or something?

The wireless USB connector works fine, as i have my laptop connected to it. i'm at work, so i cannot tell u the error code that it came up with, however it started with a 5...:idea:

Any help is appreciated :thumbsup:

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CyanRussel said:
Is you getting an attitude old ugley ass boy, i will rip you up, but ya kno wat i dont want ta get band:ciappa:
you accuse me of being old ass yet u brag u've been a nintendo fan since day 1... was that system u got on your 3rd birthday a Gamecube when it was first released? It would explain alot.

Plz, stop posting, ur only arguing to get your post count up.

Back on Topic please, help is appreciated.
retro_joe said:
you accuse me of being old ass yet u brag u've been a nintendo fan since day 1... was that system u got on your 3rd birthday a Gamecube when it was first released? It would explain alot.

Plz, stop posting, ur only arguing to get your post count up.

Back on Topic please, help is appreciated.
R u getting smart wit me cuz probaly dont kno who u r talking to or what hes thinking of doing to u, nah im playin but u better calm down 4 u get hurt, nah playin dont want ta get banned. But on the real u need to chill out, idont want to hurt u. So get a comfty seat, put ur legs up have lemonaid and shut the hell up(OK):thumbsup:
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  • #8
CyanRussel said:
R u getting smart wit me cuz probaly dont kno who u r talking to or what hes thinking of doing to u, nah im playin but u better calm down 4 u get hurt, nah playin dont want ta get banned. But on the real u need to chill out, idont want to hurt u. So get a comfty seat, put ur legs up have lemonaid and shut the hell up(OK):thumbsup:
we have an e-thug.. wow, these forums certainly are full of surprises.
Now, get on your e-bike, and go e-ride it back to your e-ghetto. Before you end up with your e-foot in your e-mouth.

retro_joe said:
you accuse me of being old ass yet u brag u've been a nintendo fan since day 1... was that system u got on your 3rd birthday a Gamecube when it was first released? It would explain alot.

Plz, stop posting, ur only arguing to get your post count up.

Back on Topic please, help is appreciated.
I had an NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, must i keep on going, to prove im a nintendo fan?
I dont know bout u, but i kno i am truly, 4-ever will be a nintendo fan, if not i would be saying sony, and microsoft is better, but im not.:incazzato:
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  • #11
CyanRussel said:
I had an NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, must i keep on going, to prove im a nintendo fan?
I dont know bout u, but i kno i am truly, 4-ever will be a nintendo fan, if not i would be saying sony, and microsoft is better, but im not.:incazzato:
swish, straight over your head..

CyanRussel said:
I expected a comeback retro-joe, but none!
So how bout we let by-gones-be-by-gones, were getting mad over games!
Unless u want to keep on going b my guest.

Again, i'm at work, i cannot post every 10 seconds like you spamming all over the place.

How old are you, seriously, you act like a juvenile, but if you got a NES for your 3rd birthday( NES release was 1983) you would be older than i am, yet you call me old ass? Curious as to how you came to that conclusion.

And if this MUST continue, just PM me and stop spamming this forum. :wink:
retro_joe said:
swish, straight over your head..

Again, i'm at work, i cannot post every 10 seconds like you spamming all over the place.

How old are you, seriously, you act like a juvenile, but if you got a NES for your 3rd birthday( NES release was 1983) you would be older than i am, yet you call me old ass? Curious as to how you came to that conclusion.

And if this MUST continue, just PM me and stop spamming this forum. :wink:
No Problem
Right kids Stop Flamin each other and get to the topic No1 wants 2 hear about who got wot and wot ya gonna do.

Right i did have this problem with mine,. ya got the wifi max stick. well i had to make a new network connection and allow the original networt connection to share to the wii connection. I be back after me t to explain beta lol. its i dont wanna burn me food
well yes, i had to share my internet connection with my wii connection in network COnnections. Also making the ip manually configured. I gave up in the end because of the hassle and just used a wireless router instead so much eaiser without the hassle

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