Wii in Australia thread

Oh my god. What happened to this place? It is horrible!
you should know I don't adapt to change well.

In other news - people actually care about the Ashes? Personally I think this defeat is a perfect reason to leave the Commonwealth. You know, the "screw you, we're going home" approach and spite.

As for the Adelaide issue. I agree it is difficult to admit to going there. But it is harder to admit to going to Canberra. A friend of mine keeps saying 'come visit me an ANU!'. No thanks. They can come visit me outside of Spanline territory.

This is probaby my longest post here in ages!
nothing's happening in Adelaide,

Chris/Apollo/Carlisle is there.

I doubt that makes anything different, haha. Get back on msn more often.

Nice changes to forum layout, much cleaner and loads heaps faster. I like the new life injected back into this forum, especially the home page. Looks like I'll have to start posting again (+name change) and get to know some of the new members.

Today started out so nicely, then the wind came and blew it all away so I'm stuck inside on the computer.

OMFG, IOP is next week, hmmz I better start it.
OMFG, IOP is next week, hmmz I better start it.

I did mine night before and pwned it. :thumbsup:

Haha yeah I head stories of that happening. Though I wouldn't run that risk with a 15% assessment piece.

What are you doing yours on? Is it dramatic or analytical?

I create a monologue for Paul Marshall kinda thing. Is this your first internal assessment? Our year elevens had theirs last week, and they were all stressing about it... but really, it's the most prepared you'll ever get to be for an internal assessment. Enjoy it, lol.
What are you doing yours on? Is it dramatic or analytical?

Analytical, I'm not that creative. I plan to just structure a simple speech around the world of illusion on Laura's part in the Glass Menagerie. Might lose marks in the presentation department but ah well.

This isn't a first, I've already handed in some Bio pracs up for assessment.

If the IOP is average, then a really good IOC mark that's approved might bump it up, hopefully.
What are you doing yours on? Is it dramatic or analytical?

Analytical, I'm not that creative. I plan to just structure a simple speech around the world of illusion on Laura's part in the Glass Menagerie. Might lose marks in the presentation department but ah well.

This isn't a first, I've already handed in some Bio pracs up for assessment.

If the IOP is average, then a really good IOC mark that's approved might bump it up, hopefully.

Group IV assessment doesn't count. :p

My FOC was pretty average I think. 6-7, teacher said, but I think my WL and IOP brought my overall IA mark to a 7. Now for the exams... urgh.

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