Wii in Australia thread

Spectrobes is set for release in Australia on March 15 2007, at $69.95, and pre-orders at EB Games will include a limited edition (and off-the-productions) DS stylus.
There you go
Ok found out my sister got the pinball game....
Well its not that great, you know how real pinball tables light up and flash and can cause seizures (not really but you get what I'm saying) well this one doesn't its pretty crap. Also you know those things you hit and they light up well hardly anything does in this.

So my opinion at the moment is not that great...although I haven't actually played it I'm just waching my sister as I type this but it doesn't look all that good. However there are quite a few diferent tables so yeah. I'll come back and rate it soon....when I've actually played it.
Yeah I've heard some good things about that game....I might actually get it...
Anyhoo Berts got a new face this year, looks a lot diferent from last year...hehehe

Also pinball has got its first positive from me a table releases 3 balls which is quite fun.... So far I think its the fee tables that are the crap ones (by free I mean you need to earn credits on these to get to play on the other ones. You lose credits however which might mean lots of replay value and a more authentic feel or just piss you off because you can't play the table you want whenever you want to.)

I hope this sonic game is good, I currently don't have any other ones as I gave my Sonic Adventure 2 Battle to my cousin for his birthday...so yeah. Better be.
You gave him a used game?
Anyhoo Pinball isn't as ba as I first thourght its quite fun and there's lots to do so yeah I don't recomend it but I give it about a 6.5/10
Well your offline now but anyhoo
Yes, it may sound cheapo like that but wait! Theres more! My cousin was turning 4 and parents just got divorced and he lost his XBOX with 50+ games, so I gave him my gamecube with all the games I had, and bought a couple more new ones. For christmas, not birthday.

Pheonix Wright 1 on Amazon! Its MINE!
Any one played Gottleib Pinball Classics yet?? Interesting to know what it's like and if it's worth getting. A few previews i seen give it roughly 8/10. hmmm
Also a mate has Call of Duty 3 on his wii. It's amazing to watch in 5.1 ch full surround cranked up on a 42" plasma. This guy is a pro at this game and it's amazing to watch someone who know's what he is doing. Kills @ Redsteel also.
Calaisix said:
Any one played Gottleib Pinball Classics yet?? Interesting to know what it's like and if it's worth getting. A few previews i seen give it roughly 8/10. hmmm
Just read through the few posts by me above and you'll see what I think of it

And nkbswe5 that was very kind of you, thumbs up :thumbsup:
deity_link said:
Just read through the few posts by me above and you'll see what I think of it

didn't realize that u were talking about Gottleib. Thought it was a older one you had. :idea:

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