well....credit card bill came yesturday.. a nice $1,000 spend on computer **** * sigh*
so what did i do today? another $800 spend :lol: got to make myself feel better
1.nvidia GTX285 overclocked 1GB graphics card "black edition" ( RRP $800 but because i have spent so much money with them they knocked off $200 )
2.thermaltake 850w PSU installed
3. GIGABYTE EP41-UD3L motherboard ( to fit the new card, as the XFX motherboard wasnt big enough :lol: ) should be good for a little while now, looking forward to running BF2 /Farcry 2 at 100% graphics settings
just got BF2 to re-install, the drivers for my joystick, drivers for my MOMO FF wheel, NFS Carbon, flatout:UC mmmmmmmm i think thats it. i called it quits at like 1am this morning.. waking up at 6am is not the best idea that i've had =_=
I just got back from a 2 day retreat and omg...for thos eof you with me on their facebook...feel free to take a gander at that video, hahahaa! Oh geez...I went all out xD
For those of you who don't have me...youtube's the next stop
Why your visits have become less frequent than a blue moon. It's a shame I don't recognize half the members in every other thread. Good old WiA thread.
Check your PMs dude