Oh hai Jenna. I've been commissioned by Antonia to do some photo taking for Qantm. Apparently said photos are going to be sent up to Byron Bay to be looked over and used into ads.
Oh and I get paid.
Oh that's right. Antonia has meant to be in charge of National Marketing since the Godfather left. Unfortunately this is Qantm and I might get the invoices... Unless, because it's being sent to Byron that it's going to be joint SAE/QANTM advertising. Of course, this is BYRON we are talking about. They love being involved in everything.
I must push to get control of Qantm finance in Byron. But yay for being paid. I can see myself logging into Qantm to see how much money she's paying you.
Oh, and I hear rumours of Qantm/SAE Sydney staff that keep bottles of vodka under their desk. I hear there is a number of them. So much so a mostly ignored alcohol policy was drafted.