Wii humming weird when game is in


WiiChat Member
Feb 26, 2007

There is a weird hum coming from my wii when a game is in the drive. It doesn't always happen when the game is first put in, but usually starts up after a few minutes. And there is no weird hum when there is not a game inserted or when i am on a wii internet channel, and for this reason I don't think it is my speakers. My wii has never frozen, but I am a little worried that my wii will mess up or break later on down the road. Any help would be much appreciated.
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Yeah I know the wii makes a soft hum usually, but this is different. This is louder, and more of an erratic hum. Plus, my friend has a wii, and I checked his to see if it made the same sound and it doesn't.
Happened to me to, but now its gone:shocked:
Call Nintendo and ask, and make sure the wii isn't wrecking your discs.
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Thanks for the input everyone. I wrote nintendo an email, and will post their reply on here when I get it. Also, Joshieca what do you mean when you say "make sure the disc is going into the unit correctly."? I put the disc to the opening and then it sucks it in.
Yeah, it sucks it in even if it's facing the wrong way; the way in where it cannot be read..but I don't think that's the problem here.
tecmo said:
Thanks for the input everyone. I wrote nintendo an email, and will post their reply on here when I get it. Also, Joshieca what do you mean when you say "make sure the disc is going into the unit correctly."? I put the disc to the opening and then it sucks it in.

I have my unit standing on the end (tall) so the first time I put the disc in I went in more toward the bottom and not in the middle...when I did it that way it made this strange loud noise coming from the drive when the Wii accessed the disc.

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