WII have a problem.


WiiChat Member
Feb 23, 2008
i recently downloaded harvest moon on the VC. It's realy fun, but ever since them ive had a problem. In he middle of the game, the WII will compleatly power down, as if some1 had pulled the plug. to make the wii turn back on i had to unplug the power supply and plug it back in. the first time this happend i thought it was an accident, but it has happend 4 times now all en i was in the middle of playing, and it's getting REALY anoiying. Does any1 know how to fix this problem? thnx for helping. :sad:
Wow that really sucks, does it happen with any other game?
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idk, i havn't been playing othing games latly, but i don't think it happens whith WII games, just VC games.
Hmm, I dunno man. Hopefully someone can help you!
Try deleting the game and then download it agin "its free to do" might just be some kinda crazy corrupt file.

If it still does it try playing something else and see if it does the same thing. If thats the case you may need to have it replaced/repaired.
Is your 57H53F357 hooked up to the 356F5I986G in your wii? That might be the problem.
Shadow3401 said:
Is your 57H53F357 hooked up to the 356F5I986G in your wii? That might be the problem.

What a bunch of bull ****. He just made that up to sound smart. What could he possibly be referring to? A plug? Then say Plug! A wire? Say wire.

Kids these days...Jeez.
No it is not, but fakeness is.

What I meant was he just made that stuff up. THere is no "57H53F357" or whatever..
Sparx said:
No it is not, but fakeness is.

What I meant was he just made that stuff up. THere is no "57H53F357" or whatever..
You're right, there isn't a "57H53F357". But I bet that you googled it anyway before posting just to make sure.
Of course I was fooling around! I had to do that though! Oh, I am not a kid #$%%#!
I hate posers and fakes like that...
Like do you think we are actually stupid enough to believe that?

Damn kids...
ANYWAY lol, good luck with your problem verb68, doesn't seem like any of us can help you.

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