i had a wii attack


the guy below- HES BACK!!
Oct 15, 2006
Wii Online Code
this morning i woke up and the red light was on which was unusual. so i restarted it and it was fine..so a few minutes ago, i take the wiimote and press power.. nothing happends.... i press the power on the system, nothing happends... soi unplug it and plug it back in and it was fine.. but i had a panic attack.. anyone know y this happend?? maybe its been on wiiconnect 24 too much???
i heard about it, they said if that happend disconnect the power cable from the wii for like 30 sec's and power it on and it should work, i hope u fix it that way. Good Luck
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i unplugged it and plugged it back in... then it worked...hopefully it wont happen again
Huh, never heard of that, but doesn't sound too bad. Just having WiiConnect24 disconnected.

The only problems I've had with the Wii is it's frozen on two occasions. Once while loading the Wii Shop Channel, and another while loading a page on the Internet Channel.
Funny thing is sometimes I have to do that with my LCD TV but so far not my Wii.

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