Wii Goldeneye In-Game Chat


Number 1 GE Wiimote User
Dec 24, 2011
Cumberland, RI
Wii Online Code
I'm gonna try this out just to see how it goes...

I've created a Chatzy room specifically for anyone to use while we are in-game or online, as an alternative to waiting for someone to "PM" you back. This is an open room for anyone who wants to chat openly while playing, and who doesn't have or doesn't want to use other programs like Skype, AIM, etc...

Anyone can enter the chat and post, but please be respectful. As a general rule, please use your in-game name or online community (gamefaqs, wiichat, etc.) name - whichever is most recognizable to the community. Please do not spam. We have enough of those.

Here is the address:

Here's looking forward to communicating with all of you more often in-game! :)
Lots of good players came to the chat, so def. a plus. Thx tampa.
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UPDATE: So yeah...this has turned out to be a real success over the last week. The GE community has had a lot of fun games and I know a lot of us have met new people and exchange FC's a lot! GG's to everyone I've played and nice meeting all of you online so far! :bacon:
I checked this out briefly last night. It seemed like most of the people on the chat board were from the E7 clan. Is this mostly used by the clans when partying?
it's used by all, but currently E7 uses that chat, instead of the E7 chat as well.
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Still alive and kicking.... Lots of people have made friends, gotten to know other board members, exchanged FCs, and organized matches that wouldn't have otherwise occurred.... Feel free to stop in while playing and meet some people and communicate!

Not everyone can skype while we play :)


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