Wii Discover - Share ur webcodes website

Great idea!! You can have a very versatile system going here.

In time, you'll have a great community of people :)

If I think of anything you can add, I'll let you know. If you have any issues with your database/server let me know I'll see if I can help. A unix systems engineer by day - Might be able to provide some assitance.
The big problem with the damn Wii codes is that you need both parties to register each other. So a discovery system should try to mitigate this problem - how about sending people an email/web message when you 'add' someone to your Wii. So, essentially, I find someone in the database, then add them to my Wii, and then click on a button next to their name on the website that says something like 'Added'. This sends the added person a message saying 'User X just added you, add him too!'.

Then each user could also have a 'my current friends' page, where he/she can see the people with whom he/she has mutually connected. It could also display people he/she has added, but who have not added him/her. And, it could also display people who have added him/her, but who he/she has not added. [Edit: If you have this, then you don't even have to bother with the emails, since people can just log in and see the people they should add to their Wii].

Hope that wasn't confusing - msg me if you need clarification, or if you need help with coding it. Btw, great job!
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Shahzam said:
You can make everyone add one email, like friends@wiidiscover.com and when somebody adds someone it should send an email right to their wii!

^^ This is a good idea, though an automated reply would need to be setup or the admin will be sitting there for hours on end replying to the hundreds of weekly requests.

This thread should be a sticky me thinks, this will benefit everyone!!
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We have the messaging system already runnining.

The process is simple:

You have to add in your wii this email address:


and then you are able to receive Friend Request from the people of the website.

Later, we have to be logged in the website to send friend request to the other people, using the icon at side of the name in the user list. This will send an email to the guy's wii console and to his private email, telling him that we want be his friend.

We are testing it, so if you find any problem, please tell to us!

Thank you!

Exellent. I don't have a Wii yet but I bookmarked this and as soon as I do I'll be sure to join.

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