Wii Controller Battery life?

My batteries (I think the brand is Maxwell, came with the remote.) only lasted a good 23 and a half hours. I went to Walgreens before work and picked up an Energizer battery charger, they were advertised in the paper for 30.00, but I got them for 10.00 plus an extra set of rechargable batteries and I only ended up paying 22.00. These work fine so far, I just had a little problem synching up the remote, other than that everything looks good and in the long run I'll be saving money. :)
i have 2 wiimotes, and ive accumulated about 30-35 hours on both of them bc of multiplayer and having no bias towards one remote. One is completely dead, and the other is on the brink of dieing, which is a complete pain in the ass. I wish they were rechargable
I think I may just get rechargeable batteries.. if a 3rd party battery charger doesn't become available.
Will rechargeable batteries harm the wiimote at all? It says in the instructions not to use them, so I just wanted to make sure before I ignored that.
Battery life will depend on a lot of things. For one, if you don't use the motion sensing capabilites much then it shouldn't consume a lot of battery. The same should be true if you arent using the nunchuk peripheral. I've been playing a lot of wii sports and zelda, probably about 20 hours and my batteries are still full, and they are the ones I got with it.
The batteries that came in with my Wiimote (panasonic) lasted for less then 20 hours of play. I put Duracells in it to replace them. The 2nd Wiimote has yet to run low. Im hoping that using Energizer E2 will give me a quite extended amount of time. Any thoughts on using lithium bats?

I just replaced my batteries today. I recommend getting a set of NMh batteries. They are rechargeable, last 3x as long as alkalines per charge, and they cost the same as high-end alkalines. Just don't get the 5-minute charge ones. They don't last as long.
The batteries that came with the Wii have died after a week and a half, I also had no sound on the wiimote and rumble turned off.

I have clocked just under 8 hours on Zelda, and have probably been playing wiisports up to 2 hours a time for the past week and a half.

That's poor, I won't be able to afford to keep feeding this wiimote at this rate!
Yep rechargable batteries are good..but they don't tend to last long on my controller. I defo need to buy a better set of rechargables :)
Nyko is coming out with a charge station for the Wii for $30 pretty soon