wii comparasin pic

hey looks kool, i still dont get what them two small bits on the top and botom of the controller are for :S
MetroidZ said:
current one looks nicer. thanks for the pic. whats those things at the bottom of the wiimote.

Weird....the things which look like they stick into the console...
MetroidZ said:
whats those things at the bottom of the wiimote.

That's there the Nunchuck attachment plugs in, obviously. The indentations are brackets to secure the connector in place and prop the Wiimote when placed in the stand accessory.
I still can't understand why they named the buttons "1", and "2" and not "X", and "Y". :confused:
Nice find. Pretty pretty! ^.^ <3

Oh, and...
slurba said:
I still can't understand why they named the buttons "1", and "2" and not "X", and "Y". :confused:
Yeah, I would've preffered "X" and "Y" or "A" and "B" over "1" and "2". >.> Though I really don't mind that much. Still looks schmexy. ;D
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teh little sort of braces at the bottom are for attachments such as wiieel or the gun attachment.
Kumoriken said:
Nice find. Pretty pretty! ^.^ <3

Oh, and...

Yeah, I would've preffered "X" and "Y" or "A" and "B" over "1" and "2". >.> Though I really don't mind that much. Still looks schmexy. ;D
Nah, dont want to many letter's. 1, and 2 is easier than X and Y.
D Twizzle said:
Nah, dont want to many letter's. 1, and 2 is easier than X and Y.

But the:

Ds has them
Gamecube has them
Snes has them (I think?)
and N64 has them...

Just seems odd to name them something so... odd.

It's like Sony making the playstation 3 controller have octogon, star, heart, and smiley face.
I think the controller on the banner for Wii Chat above should be changed to the production style controller. The one on there is way different, it has an joystick and 4 buttons on the bottom instead of 2.

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