Wii Chat Torney

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u should make another tourney for the loser......like a wild card thing ......loser can comeback into tourney once more
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the whole forum has been cleaned up. As for signing up, there aint any spaces left for this torney, but i will b making some more.


Thats kinda complecated, but ill think about it wen this one has finished
Reaper12324 said:
how is it so hard to kill an umbreon? 2 hit from x-scizzor and its dead.
i mostly had all ground mixed types

@ AYO--- ok, think about though
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I really wish I hadn't left the pokemon threads for soo long....I could have entered this. Damn.....I'm back though now.
Reaper12324 said:
arg. the guys who is suppose to battle me wont answer my pms......
nice talk, im waiting for you right now.

my FC's on the first page. 5026 0942 7804
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