Wii Chat Safety.

Haz said:
Can we please have a guide on how to cross the road please..

I'm working on it right now.
Fire Flower said:

There. I've reduced it to the points that mean the most.

I suggest everyone read that.

A thousand times.
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  • #20
Haz said:
For this topic you get the superman award!


Sorry, but this just goes to show the maturity (or lack of) on these forums!

Can we please have a guide on how to cross the road please..

Your sarcasm is not appreciated here. Please be mature. This is for people who don't know these rules. You don't need to post pictures of old men in supermen suits just so you can make a cheesy comment. If you have nothing nice to post, please don't.

Read your own signature. If you can read, it says to think before posting.
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  • #22
But isn't that thread asking for a report thread button? This thread is talking about how to look up threads without any problems.
Fire Flower said:
But isn't that thread asking for a report thread button? This thread is talking about how to look up threads without any problems.
damn it my rick roll failed!

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