Wii bricked explanation?


WiiChat Member
Aug 22, 2007
So just got my wii modded with the wiikey and well awaiting to get it through the mail.

I have several backups of wii games that are labeled NTSC format and very few Jp and PAL types. I keep hearing about this whole bricking of your wii if you play a game and dont use wiibrickblocker it may kill your wii.

So whats the deal?

Should i just use it on all of the games even if they are NTSC format or maybe just turn off the wireless feature.

im soooooo confused..

You might want to take a look at the rules:

18. No Warez
Posting up and asking for illegal warez is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: ROMs, isos, and game cracks. Violation of this Rule will usually result anywhere from a Warning to a Ban, depending on the offence.


I know you're not asking for ISOs, but Wii Key is linked to illegal backups so...
This has to do with imports, not iso's roms or whatever. Be careful about updating your Wii, that is where bricks will occur when Nintendo decides to brick everyone with a modchip. That is why my Wii isn't modded.
edit: Just saw the word backups. BACKUPS. That means it is HIS GAMES.
Warning!!! Do not attemp to Mod your Wii with any thrid party firmware, Hardware or Software...Ie Wiikey, Action Replay (Datel)...First it voids any warenty on the Wii & Second the Wii Updates CAN detect any modifacation to your Wii...the more you Mod your Wii & the more updates that Wii Sends out...the more "Bricked your Wii will become... Use at your Own Risk!
mn777saint said:
Warning!!! Do not attemp to Mod your Wii with any thrid party firmware, Hardware or Software...Ie Wiikey, Action Replay (Datel)...First it voids any warenty on the Wii & Second the Wii Updates CAN detect any modifacation to your Wii...the more you Mod your Wii & the more updates that Wii Sends out...the more "Bricked your Wii will become... Use at your Own Risk!
Yes, which is why most mod chips claim to be "stealth". Blocking diode maybe? Who knows. Could care less about playing "backups", those interested in massive game libraries without paying for them will end up paying for them in the long run. I suggest investing in something like GameFly or so for those interested in an alternative to pirated software. (NOT directing that comment to anyone specific!)

The most interesting thing about the mod chips personally is I am all about the homebrew. Looking forward to see what comes about WiiLi (Linux distro for the Wii) and others. Once my warranty runs out I may consider getting one myself, however that depends on ALOT of factors that cannot be answered at the present date. It will depend heavily what is available as well as if it is worth the risks or not. :)

Best of luck to you innerrefle.
Yea mod chips sound cool and all, but any modification to the standard console is not great for it. Anything can happen with these updates from Nintendo you really never know. I was intrigued when I saw these mod chips become available but I really don't trust anyone/myself with soldering or inputing anything into my perfect console, Maybe if I had two..
Reminder: The game companies are far beyond pissed off at people who are modding their consoles. They are taking action. All companies 3 will brick your console if you mod it. You have been warned. I'm glad too. This reduces the amount of hackers/vagrants in online games. They ruined MGSO to the point where Konami just decided to close the servers.
sagema said:
Reminder: The game companies are far beyond pissed off at people who are modding their consoles.
Hardware manufacturers are more interested in protecting there profits than the hardware they provide. :)

With that in mind it really depends on what you DO with your modded console that makes the difference. Sony opened up the doors to homebrew by means of just making it available on release to it's overpriced toy, and Nintendo plans to push it's own homebrew style software via WiiWare. Xbox 360 Live! to my knowledge does (or will) provide homebrew downloads as part of it's service. If it wasn't for things like mod chips such ideas would probably never been conceived by companies such as Nintendo and others.

Personally I don't like the idea of paying for something that is generally provided for free anyways. Things like the Nintendo's Oprah browser isn't so bad, but $5 USD (500 points) for something specially ported verses $5 for something specially written and is as boring as watching grass grow are two different things. :)

Again if it wasn't for mod chips and other inventive hacks I doubt there would be any incentive to allow low end 3rd party developers even a chance to take advantage of there hardware. It's also to my understanding that a lot of the Wii's firmware is built upon open source technology, such a Bit Torrent for example, which has helped keep the price tag for the Wii considerably low. Most console homebrew and open source software pretty much walk hand in hand, either by porting of existing software or by means of community contributed content.

Rest assured that companies will continue to develop means of protecting there media, and people will continue to work about means to crack it. At least they're starting to acknowledge those who enjoy there hardware in a legally alternative manner now, as they continue to strive to find new means of preventing those who intend to rip them off.
masonb15 said:
Just saw the word backups. BACKUPS. That means it is HIS GAMES.


So he imported games, then made his own backups of those imported games, and now wants to play those backups?
Backups are in case of emergency. Meaning if a sibling destroys his game, he can play the backup.
masonb15 said:
Backups are in case of emergency. Meaning if a sibling destroys his game, he can play the backup.
That is typically better the other way around. My children have access to the main video collection (titles appropriate for all ages), and have ended up destroying a few. I make it a point to backup all our movies and store them into a binder, while the originals are stored in a storage tub in there original cases. Not only does this save room it also prevents us from having to replace $20 dollar titles over and over due to carelessness.

I could see the same being done for more expensive video games, keeping the original in mint condition and abusing the copy instead. :)

Kinda wished disc based media stuck with the caddy design for data, however they was expensive at the time so having one per disc was unrealistic, so they was quickly forgotten. Think of it kinda like inserting a CD jewel case into the drive unit instead of removing each time, protecting your discs from lazy siblings, children, and friends (we all know of at least ONE who abuses them). :)
well...it seems like no-one answered his question lol


meaning if you have a japan wii, update using japan games
if you have US wii, update using wii games
if you update your wii using a different region it will either brick your console or semi-brick it.

simple :p

the wiibrickblocker is a great program, you should use it because it removes updates from those games, so it wont update you wii = not going to be bricked.

if you have anymore questions i recommend you go to this site


and no im not posting anything illegal for u kiddies here :lol:
BlankDude said:
well...it seems like no-one answered his question lol


meaning if you have a japan wii, update using japan games
if you have US wii, update using wii games
if you update your wii using a different region it will either brick your console or semi-brick it.

simple :p

the wiibrickblocker is a great program, you should use it because it removes updates from those games, so it wont update you wii = not going to be bricked.

if you have anymore questions i recommend you go to this site


and no im not posting anything illegal for u kiddies here :lol:

Ya seriously, talk about uptight kiddies! I heard that wibrickblocker was good, my friend has it...

I can't be arsed to mod my Wii though... go on ebay and get a universal or pre-modded one maybe, but I'm to tired to mod it meselfs.

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