wii bone

now thats a bone i would feel good giving to my girlfriend.. if i had one! damn Wii for taking my opportunity with the women!
also.. paintballer.. my xp works fine with free antivirus programs.. Macs are great for people that dont want to learn about PCs at all.. oh and for artsy people.. but they would also create a bone like controller to save the scraps of cow that should just be discarded.. not saying XP or windows is better just saying if i didnt grow up on it i would be running Linux!
nice one and tetra thats an interesting experiment your running there but problem is how can you give the cow bone the exact same shape, texture, feel, and smoothness.
77punk said:
also.. paintballer.. my xp works fine with free antivirus programs.. Macs are great for people that dont want to learn about PCs at all.. oh and for artsy people.. but they would also create a bone like controller to save the scraps of cow that should just be discarded.. not saying XP or windows is better just saying if i didnt grow up on it i would be running Linux!
Macs aren't just for people that don't want to learn about PCs, they are for everybody. They are simple enough that somebody with no experience can easily use one, but also powerful enough for experienced users. The only people I wouldn't recommend a Mac for are PC gamers. I also love Linux, but it isn't practical for the average PC user, and Mac is pretty much just a polished version of it (they're both based on Unix) that is ready for the average consumer.
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MRCOOLGH - nice one and tetra thats an interesting experiment your running there but problem is how can you give the cow bone the exact same shape, texture, feel, and smoothness.

Im glad you find it intersting - good question.
I agree that using whole bone wouldn't be very feasible as they are never the same size, strength, shape. I am currently investigating if bone can be machined into uniform sections or panels, which could be used. Cow shoulder blades are very large and flat - traditionally used as a shovel. Im still trying to find a realistic application for bone though.

Also, since bones are porous they can be infused with plastic. This makes them very strong and less brittle. Plus would give a consistant look and feel.


77punk - would also create a bone like controller to save the scraps of cow that should just be discarded

There are around 3 million tonnes of bone incinerated everyear in Europe, so they are less like scraps and more like mountains :lol: . An abattoir I visited has to pay around £1600 - every day - to have 20 tonnes of bone incinerated. It is a very expensive mountain to dispose of.

Here are some other images I made to see how people feel about things made from bone.




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