Team alpha is a very new clan which is why we are not out there but we want to expand and grow larger and kick the online world in there nuts =)
The 1st 5 ppl to join Team Alpha will be an officer and will have power over all the other ppl tht join late... aint havin power great!!!!
As of right now there are no requirments to joining... just be commited nd also you cant suck cuz i dnt wanna lead a sorry a$$ clan =)
email me if this ally code dosent work:
ally code:4115-3252-4945
Team alpha or watch 2 girls nd 1 cup while eating brownies =)
The 1st 5 ppl to join Team Alpha will be an officer and will have power over all the other ppl tht join late... aint havin power great!!!!
As of right now there are no requirments to joining... just be commited nd also you cant suck cuz i dnt wanna lead a sorry a$$ clan =)
email me if this ally code dosent work:
ally code:4115-3252-4945
Team alpha or watch 2 girls nd 1 cup while eating brownies =)