@Quallzie on Twitter
Join my clan today, I would love to have new members join my team in the line of duty. By joining my clan you are willing to watch my back and I will watch yours in the line of duty. Not many people join clan, but
this is a most clan too join. This clan for right now is on the wii:wiiconsole: for black ops.....
If you have any Questions about any thing.
Messege me!
Ally Code: 2147-3003-4566
O.G.S- Quallzie Baby out

this is a most clan too join. This clan for right now is on the wii:wiiconsole: for black ops.....
If you have any Questions about any thing.
Messege me!
Ally Code: 2147-3003-4566
O.G.S- Quallzie Baby out