Wii and other game reviews


WiiChat Member
Jun 8, 2007
Just wondering where do you guys/girls get your online game reviews?? I use IGN but what about you??
Gamespot hands down. But here is what I mean by that, gamespot has a feature that lets people write their own reviews as well a ratings. So I have found that by reading gamespots review (which is often pretty sucky) and the numerous user reviews, that you get a pretty clear idea about the game in question.
I usually read gamespots reviews, and look through the messageboards for user opinions. Sometimes their reviews are about right, but forget to mention a little bit of fun that could be had.
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SadistBlue said:
Sometimes their reviews are about right, but forget to mention a little bit of fun that could be had.

yeah I agree.:yesnod:
Definitely IGN for the most part. I've been using their site for reviews since the N64.

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