Wii advice PLEASE!


WiiChat Member
Nov 27, 2010
I have never owned a video game system or played one more than a few times. My partner is absolutely dying to have the new red Wii and I am trying to do my research before buying it for her. What is the general consensus on buying an extended warranty on the Wii's? Good? Bad? Just not worth it? I don't want to spend the extra money on the warranty if it's not necessary. What are the best accessories to buy for the system as well? A better brand than others? So far I have seen a lot of Dreamgear and Rocketfish items that are reasonably priced, are these good things to buy? I know these are a lot of questions and may seem odd, but I want to get the best for my money and do it right. Thanks in advance for the advice =)!
extended warranty shouldn't be necessary- if it works fine the first week and you take care of it you shouldn't have any problems. for accessories you should be skeptical about any that aren't made by nintendo themselves ... and only by stuff you need to play particular games. if you plan on playing a lot a wireless gamecube controller [wavebird] and a classic controller pro would be good, along with a spare wiimote and nunchuck if you intend on playing with friends ... but figure out first which games will demand the extra controllers. hope that helps.
a wii starts freezing on big games around its fourth year but by then you've made it worth your money, also mine was a launch wii which apparently came with dust or something (i remember reading that somewhere)so the new red wiis might last longer. the really good games are woreth about $50 unlike ps360-$60.
I only trust the accesories made by nintendo or approved by nintendo DONT trust unapproved third party accesories.
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What are the approved third party makers? Is a nyko wiimote charger a good buy? How do you find the list of approved makers?
wiimote charger=big waste of money. rechargable batteries are all around more useful.
wiimote charger=big waste of money. rechargable batteries are all around more useful.
very true...i had a nyko charger when i first got my wii and it lasted 1 year, after that the packs couldn't hold a charge.
You can´t be wrong with a red Wii!, and like said by everyone else here, jus don´t buy plastic raquet adapters or similars, please.
I've had my Wii for about a year, and it has no problem playing big Wii titles or Dual-Layer discs. Now as for accessories I'd recommend a set of Component cables if the user has an EDTV or HDTV. If the user wants to Download games through Wii Shop Channel, then a Wii Classic Controller (Needed), and a 2-4GB SD Memory card would be useful. I also recommend Energizer rechargable batteries. 3rd party Recharge units that you have to charge through the Wiimotes port (the nunchuck uses) avoids the Wiimotes warranty plus some chargers damage Wiimote curcuits.
What are the approved third party makers? Is a nyko wiimote charger a good buy? How do you find the list of approved makers?

If you have first party Accessories or Games, then try to look for the Jagged Golden Sun looking ovel that reads "Official Nintendo Seal of Quality". This symbol is placed on the front of Accessories, but is placed on the back of All games. If a 3rd party accessory has the symbol, its been improved by Nintendo to work on the system it was designed for. All games from any company must have Nintendo's seal of approval before release on their console.

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