Wii - A kid's console?

Its for everyone,rayman for kiddies, zelda for everyone and red steel for adults.Its based for gamers and even non gamers.
Before I start my usual rant at people that say the Wii (and indeed Nintendo) are for kids, could someone suggest an age range that fits the 'kids only' monicker? I have been playing games since 4 (now 28) and just ondered when i supposedly stopped being a kid cos the games i play have barely changed...
Wii is for kids, girlfriends who is a first time gamer, and casual gamer. By no means is it a hardcore gamer.

Its a kids game because of all the cartoons. Mario galaxy, mario party 8, Mario's freakin everywhere even the vc. I'm hardcore and I play the wii only when my little bro wants to play it. You think that I would waste my game time that is 12+ hours per day on mario party 8?
The Wii is not aimed at children. I would say that very few games on the wii are speficially for kids, and the majority that are are multi format anyway so this does not help your arguement. The whole if a game isn't for hardcore gamers it is for kids is also crazy. I admit that there are less games on the wii just now that really suck you in for days on end, but that doesn't mean that sports, mazza party, monkey ball etc etc are for kids. The cartoony visuals are nintendo's trademark almost and just becasuse something looks like it is for children doesn't meant it is. Is the simpons aimed at children? Family Guy? Manga? These are all cartoons are they not? I hav been playing mario bros games for over 20 years and cannot wait for galaxy, hopefully the best platformer ever (a dying genre in this hyper realistic HD FPS age we live in) and come on how can it be for children? Looks are very often deceptive and it is time the current playstation generation of gamers realised that just becauase something looks pretty and yyou get to shoot people, doesn't make it adult.
Besides Red teel, Zelda, Scarface, Bully (when it comes out), Day of crisis, Manhunt 2 (not tha i#ll get to play it here in the UK) and undoubtedly many more, are all mature games not suitable for children. If young people these days (and by all accounts most of you are averging 16years old in here) think playing mario party is childish then i gotta say, u am glad i grew up in a world where mario and sonic ruled as these are the games i played as a boy, and these are the games that do it for me now too, i love Halo, Gears of War and the like but no one really makes games anymore that really do make you glad to be playing them, only Nintendo can really do this, adn maybe it is becasue i gre up with them, or maybe i am a big kid, but as long as i keep getting these great 'kids' games to play then i really don't care.
[DT] said:
"Hardcore Gamer"

Hahaha, sorry this label has been cracking me up :D

Isn't that an oxymoron? :lol:

Heh someone else that hates the term... Oh man did I hate it when people talked about it left and right on Nsiders... I never understood what they were talking about because it was like throwing around the word "IT"... WHAT IS "IT"?

I guess not so much hardcore gamer, but hardcore games... I hated the debates over what games were... "hardcore"... it was ridiculous.
Apparently franchises made in the 80s and Sandboxes or FPSs are hardcore. I love the term. Renx nailed it. The Wii has no original Sandboxes, and is drifting away from Ninty's main franchises to like uhhh not-game videogames.
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So as with every nintendo console since **** knows when, The wii is questioned as being a childs toy.

I'd like to say, that fun is ageless.

Woah, Censorship
I have to totally disagree with the fact that wii is a kids console. The hardcore games are just beginning, we have metroid prime 3 coming out on 26th october, mario galaxy next month, resident evil umbrella chronicles next month, smash bros and nights next year, and zack and wiki looks quite hardcore in my opinion. i'm sure there will be more than that coming out over the next year. most of those game, kids will probably play on, but its the hardcore gamer that will care the most.
StumpedV.2 said:
Since when was violence considered mature in any case?

Since the generation of kids that owned PS2 as their first system...
Oh and the first mortal kombat... I still remeber watching an interview with the creator... It was supposed to be just another low budget game that made a quick buck but it exploded due to all the gore... The game took like less than a month to make and wasn't any more in depth than other fighters at the time... It just had ALL SORTS of BLOOD.
TiwazTyrsfist said:
For some reason, there is a very vocal subset of FPS gamers (The so-called "Hardcore" gamers) who feel that marketing games other than FPS games some how invalidates a system.

Wii has over a dozen T rated FPS games, and half a dozen M rated FPS games, with more coming, but since they also market games aimed at other groups, like party games, Zelda, and Mario, this somehow makes Wii a 'kiddie console'.

They also tend to say that RPGs are stupid and pointless.

I'm sure that somewhere there's a group of FPS gamers who have quit pleasuring themselves over a copy of Halo 3 just long enough to make a dozen forum posts about how Beautiful Katimari is killing the XBox 360.

Just to clear things up, hardcore gaming is not a subset of FPS. There are hardcore FPS, RTS, MMO, RPG players (pretty much every genre). The meaning "hardcore" has nothing to do with what genre you play.
NS_Tr4mpld said:
Since the generation of kids that owned PS2 as their first system...
Oh and the first mortal kombat... I still remeber watching an interview with the creator... It was supposed to be just another low budget game that made a quick buck but it exploded due to all the gore... The game took like less than a month to make and wasn't any more in depth than other fighters at the time... It just had ALL SORTS of BLOOD.

Helicopter up above!

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