Wii 2?

Blue Sun said:
Although HD would be nice, it wouldn't really be worth it on the Wii IMO. The jaggies would be way too obvious.

The Wii isn't powerful enough to fully utilise 1080p.

I agree, I am fine with my regular Wii. I am more interested in new colors than a built in DVD Player or HD graphics ^_^
wiiman44 really immature seriously the majority wants an updated wii with the ability to play DVD, new colors, HD,better online,higher ghraphics, and more memory so get over yourself and grow up.
wiiman44 really immature seriously the majority wants an updated wii with the ability to play DVD, new colors, HD,better online,higher ghraphics, and more memory so get over yourself and grow up.
I'd rather buy an external hard drive and have nintendo update the software so the wii could do 720p. . .
The Wii 2 is not coming out anytime soon. Nintendo is not going to clutter the market with two consoles or two SKUs. It just goes against their new strategy of marketing to the "casuals". I wouldn't rule it out the possibility though. Who knows what's going to happen, but the Wii's power was outdated from the beginning.
wii 2 will not happen, at the very earliest nintendo will go HD with there next console some time near 2012. if the wii 2 was made and the game were HD what will the old wii owners do. it would cause a mob of angry wii owners to kill nintendo. the guy who said this stuff is really stupid if you look at his history you will seen he has not predicted anything right about the wii yet so im not trusting him now. besides nintendo is the company that says gameplay comes first. but maybe just MAYBE nintendo might release a accessory that makes wii HD. who know it just might be the same price as the wii. but personnally i dont think it will happen. it kills everything nintendo believes in.
kiraownsurmom said:
no! that went too far to wait for the revolution,now people are just getting it and theyre announcing wii2? thats bull

keep in mind this is just a retart(in my opinion) guessing it will come out. i wouldnt worry about anything he says if i were you he has never been right about the wii before.
I've said this a million times to all of my friends.. and now I get to say it here. The Wii is, from my point of view, the most adaptive system on the market. It is designed with the future in mind, hence firmware updates. There is almost no need to release a second Wii anytime soon. The Wii's graphics already have a higher-definition picture, as long as you use the HDMI cables you can buy for it. I have to say that with these cables, Link is about twice as sexy in Twilight Princess as he was without the cables =3 It's not 1080p, but it works just fine. The Wii was designed for GAMES, not interactive DVDs, like the PS3.
The long-standing argument is that both core and casual gamers will grow wary of Wii's novelty once Xbox 360 and PS3 graphics hit their full stride.

that statement right there will come true.
Renz said:
The long-standing argument is that both core and casual gamers will grow wary of Wii's novelty once Xbox 360 and PS3 graphics hit their full stride.

that statement right there will come true.
Well, I'm not so sure. Personally, I like the different consoles for different reasons.
Having not played PS3 (although i want one) I have had a 360 and two wiis.
I sold my wii, getting bored of it, but as more friends and family got them, i bought a second as it re-kindled my enjoyment of it.

My 360 has fallen by the way side and has been sold.
Anyway, my point is, the wii has the family "pick up and play" quality that the 360 (and I assume) the ps3 hasn't?

And upgraded wii would be great for me, as it could combine some of my love about the other consoles with the ability to play alongside my family and friends.

I would buy it, but then I am stupid when it comes to buying and selling (as you can see from my post)
The reason they made this comment is simple logic. In 2009(maybe later) they want to make it mandatory for everyone in the USA to own an HD TV. Otherwise we won't be able to watch TV. HD TVs are far from better than regular TVs, they lag, don't last as long, and are godly expensive. I feel better TVs are around the corner, forcing this down our throats shows what a start off failure HD has had in the US.

I bought a new TV last year and they can go to hell if they want me to sink $1000 on a HD TV in 2009. I'll buy it when I feel it's worth buying. I have bills to pay, entertainment is last on my list of things to spend money on.
Interesting find!

A few points on some of the comments in this thread:


HDMI comes up in HD threads all the time - it's a piece of cake (and a small cost) to implement digital output, but it has to be considered in the system design. You're not just going to toss a port on the machine behind the scalar/deinterlacer, and certainly not post-DA conversion.

Now that the 1.3(a) spec is solid, the next gen box could easily be designed to accommodate analog (rca/component/s-vid) and digital (HDMI).

The current gen Wii getting an upgrade to support 720p/1080i

Note in addition to the above, that because of HDCP (which is only implemented in HDMI/DVI), some very popular sets by companies like Sony that do not support 720+ over component, so a current Wii upgrade to more than 480p will leave quite a few people out in the cold.

Not too mention the design specification of the both the software and hardware. It's easy for the current system to switch between 480i and 480p - the output buffer simply has to deal with handling 60 frames/sec max that are either double buffered to 480p60 or single buffered in an interlace signal (to you get 30 fps/60 fields per second). However you're talking about the same poly generation, rendering, texture mapping effort.

If you actually increase the resolution (assuming the support chips have enough memory, address space to deal with it), you're talking about a substantial increase in processor overhead. Unless the machine was designed with a huge amount of potential left on the table, I think you'd get a serious performance hit. (Just like a PC game reduces the framerate as you go from 800x600, to 1024x768, etc.).

As someone also noted, you'd also want everything modeled at the higher resolution and downsampled for the different supported resolutions - developers do this anyway (anyone checkout the PC version of Gears of War using the original higher rez models? Wow.).

Extra resolution without the graphic content designed in advance to handle it, results in noisy, artifact'ed, "simulated" higher rez graphics. Again it wouldn't take much to handle this, and it would be a nice new feature icon on game packaging like "Optimized for HD" or something. The extra storage on disc (for higher rez texture maps, etc.) would be minor.

I don't need games designed for 480 resolution forced into 720 or 1080, my set does that already, but IF the system can handle the increased workload without a performance hit, and IF subsequent games include HD versions of the required support content, THEN sure I'd download some magic flash upgrade :D

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I'm fairly certain that the reason Nintendo sells HDMI cables is because the Wii can already support them...