why there shouldn't be texting in-game for wii

damn lucky i want a pps3 but you have to admit

nintendo has to do a lot of things to be up there with these 2 companys on online service
YOWORD said:

god damn nintendo
Dude how many 12 year olds on xbox live do you need to hear making fake sex noises before you realize a headset is a bad idea for Nintendo?
samXcor3 said:
Dude how many 12 year olds on xbox live do you need to hear making fake sex noises before you realize a headset is a bad idea for Nintendo?
stupid twelve year olds. But what if there are actully having sex??:yikes:
samXcor3 said:
Dude how many 12 year olds on xbox live do you need to hear making fake sex noises before you realize a headset is a bad idea for Nintendo?
i can't MSN on this computer, but whenever i MSN'd in the past with someone i didn't see everyday it would turn down that path
samXcor3 said:
Dude how many 12 year olds on xbox live do you need to hear making fake sex noises before you realize a headset is a bad idea for Nintendo?

It really depends on which game you're playing. It's not the fact that it's online that attracts 12 year olds, it's the type of game. Actually, you do have somewhat of a point, it is Nintendo after all :lol:
YOWORD said:
damn lucky i want a pps3 but you have to admit

nintendo has to do a lot of things to be up there with these 2 companys on online service

Yeh they got a long way, but even if they did Japan would be the first to get most of the things.

Also using 12 year olds who are annoying as an excuse for why Nintendo should not have headsets is stupid. Mute... does a body good ;)
samXcor3 said:
Dude how many 12 year olds on xbox live do you need to hear making fake sex noises before you realize a headset is a bad idea for Nintendo?

But how often does that really happen? It's been a LONG time since I've played online games with voice chat (years ago with SOCOM 1/2 and some Xbox games); I honestly don't recall hearing anything offensive. There might have been a time here or there, but that made up 5-10% or less of all voice communication. Plus, you could mute out anyone you wanted to. Walk into any mall, and you're bound to hear offensive language at a far higher rate.

My guess is that all of the critics of voice chat have never experienced it...
yes nintendo does need a headset and yes there miles behind so for this gen, for online but for all you no next gen for nintendo could be online heaven..

and who cares about 12 year olds just laugh at them because there going to be on benifits when there older :mad5:
Atomheart said:
But how often does that really happen? It's been a LONG time since I've played online games with voice chat (years ago with SOCOM 1/2 and some Xbox games); I honestly don't recall hearing anything offensive. There might have been a time here or there, but that made up 5-10% or less of all voice communication. Plus, you could mute out anyone you wanted to. Walk into any mall, and you're bound to hear offensive language at a far higher rate.

My guess is that all of the critics of voice chat have never experienced it...
Are you serious? EVERY TIME i play online on the 360 i hear something that especially to nintendo would be deemed inappropriate. Especially since it IS nintendo, people are going to want to curse and stuff because nintendo is so "pure" theyre gonna wanna eff it up.
I agree with atom, I hardly ever experience it. It does happen hear and there but its rare. But seeing as its Nintendo like someone said, there's bound to be ALOT more kids on the Wii than Xbox.

But still... mute does a body good.
you hardly ever experince it well you guys are lucky.

my mates owned a abattlefeild 2 server and everynight i didnt notice any hackers but they got at least 5 blank screen shots.

just becasue you hardly notice it doesnt mean its a bit issue
T3kNi9e said:
I don't see how anyone could cry about this crap. Everyone criticizes MS for having to pay $50 for 13 months but expects Nintendo to have all those great things for free. PS3 has them sure... but its also crap compared to 360 and the PS3 costs $150 more.

You get what you pay for, stop whining.

I have no problem paying 50 bucks a year gfor my X-Box live. The amount of entertainment you get out of it is well worth the 50 bucks. And it's such a great online system. I mean being able to download game add ons, whole x-box games (not just shitty games for consoles that are 3 generations old).

Now if Nintendo would offer some service like that, and some better effing games. It would be worth it. That's why I kinda sopped playing Wii once i got my 360
tank said:
I have no problem paying 50 bucks a year gfor my X-Box live. The amount of entertainment you get out of it is well worth the 50 bucks. And it's such a great online system. I mean being able to download game add ons, whole x-box games (not just shitty games for consoles that are 3 generations old).

Now if Nintendo would offer some service like that, and some better effing games. It would be worth it. That's why I kinda sopped playing Wii once i got my 360

Wow oh wow... first off you are right you do get what you pay for X box live is amazing. You are also right you get add ons for games, if you care for that kinda thing that is. But how can you say being able to download whole x-box games is better than buy older games.

First off you can still go to any game stop and get any x-box game for less than ten dollars and own an actual hard copy of the game. So being able to download them and take up space on your 360 is just kind of a waste.

Second most of the games on the VC are hard to come by and even if you find them good luck having and old NES or turbogfx that still works. Also these games are gems. Most of them are better than any game i have ever played on an x-box. Of course i am not a fourteen year old kid either and i understand that great graphics does not mean great game. I grew up in the the SNES era and i know that countless games on the SNES are better than halo or psyhconauts ( but at least that games was good and worth a play ), but at the same time just go to game stop and buy it.

I dont know what you are getting out of Nintendo's online play thats not worth it cause its free. I mean if i paid for the service i get now of course i would be pissed but its free. They offer great games on the VC if you are not open minded enough to see that then thats a personal problem which is fine but dont say they dont have great games to download.

As for texting in games i dont see why not i mean i will take any form of communication i can get from nintendo if not head set i will take texting. Nintendo will eventually come around just give them time they are new to the online world.

I wasn't really trashing Nintendo's online. I'm just saying X-box is is better. X-box is more of a community that lets you keep track of your friends etc. With Nintendo you need a different friends list for each game, and it gets to be kind of a pain. Yeah, lots of the games on VC are gems ( the Zeldas, FZero, Mario....etc). But some of them are just ok. Games that I would play a few times and get bored with.

I'm not 14, I'm 20. I remember very vividly playing NES with my dad, thank you very much. I know games are not all about graphics.

What am I not getting out of Nintendo's online? good games! Not talking about VC. Right now Medal of honor is the only game I would actually play frequently, and I did before Christmas when I got COD:4. Strikers got dull, Bwii just doesn't have enough things to do (you can only play the same mission so many times). All of them are good games, the single player Bwii was a blast. But the online is disappointing at best. Nintendo doesn't even patch their games. Glitches in strikers could have been fixed. I'm not saying I expect a service as good as X-box live out of Nintendo....just.....something more impressive. And maybe the problem is jsut teh lack of third party support for online games, which I'm sure will come. But right now I'm gonna be playing my X-box more than my Wii. I've beaten all my Wii games....Twilight Princess twice.

And yeah online play is important to me cause that's what I like in a game.....replay value. yeah I play adventure games. But unless it's a story that's on-par with the Zelda series, or Indigo Prophecy, or Fable, I'm not gonna play it through again.