Why should I keep playing?


Waluigi's #1 Fan!
Dec 18, 2006
Wii Online Code
I got Halo 3 the day of it's release. I completed it on single player legendary campaign in a couple of days (don't get me wrong, it was no easy task) and collected all the skulls for the armour.

I played it online for about a week but after that I havn't really got back into it. I play it occasionally when my friends come over but not that much.

Don't get me wrong, I played the hell out of Halo 1 for PC, and I love FPS's. Unreal Tournament GOTY was the first game I ever got really addicted to on the PC.

I just can't get back into Halo though. Why is it so great?
cause its something to do, its fun once you get good at it, you should also try stuff out like the forge.
Because it's number 3 you've already done multiplayer and let's face it the single player no matter how fun never lasts more than 10 hours try something else I've been enjoying Shadowrun
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I do play online, but it's just no fun anymore. Everybody is too damn easy, and then when you kick their asses they just keep saying things like "omg you are haxoring!" despite there being no hacks for Halo 3 (that I am aware of)
if it's challenge you want I'll serve you a can of asswooping
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WiiZero said:
if it's challenge you want I'll serve you a can of asswooping

Sure, I'll play you when I'm next online. Won't be for a while though as I'm getting SMG in 7 1/2 hours :lol:

What's you Live name? Mine is "FRuMMaGe"

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