Why PS3 Games will most likely NOT be longer.

the PS3 is a pretty amazing piece of software but if they drop the price it may become a big seller
Sovieto said:
*skims post*

*checks off thread as just another ps3 hater trying to make his opinion valid to anyone but real ps3 owners*

*checks off post as just another sovieto fanboy post trying to make it seem as though he has a ps3 when in reality he just likes to feel like he is part of the ps3 owners club"
Sony would not lower the price of the console because of the high amounts for producing the consoles. They did to make some kind of profit which will be hard.
Sony may not lower the price until 360 lowers their price. When 360 lowers their price, it will look like a bargain in comparison to PS3, and in addition to that 360 is POSSIBLY getting some of the PS3 exclusives. Then again, if 360 will never go into Wii price territory anytime soon. Then again, that's just speculation.

Enough with the BluRay for games argument! Sony does not care about anything than gaining control of an industry standard. 200GB BluRay disc :lol:
Kedarshashi said:
hey dont try 2 inflence let them decide

some people want the price 2 drop and some dont even care

let them decide
Hey, d'nt tri 2 enfluince hym...
How about you let him decide whether or not he's going to try to influence others.
VampiricLugia said:
It's bad marketing.

If they make games last really long amounts of time, then are they going to sell enough games to make it up stream? Well, very doubtful. People would be too absorbed in the one game that takes so long to beat that they won't go off and buy another game until they need to. Unless a person gets bored with the game.

It's pointless for Sony to make a 200GB Blu-Ray disc if nothing is going to be using the full potential of the storage.

Also, using a longer game thus equates to longer development time, thus equating to a time where there is no revenue. And then, when the game DOES hit the market, the price is skyrocketted for Sony to pay off the people who made the game.

This is why most games nowadays are short. You beat one, and it leaves you wanting more, so you go and buy another game. This goes for all companies, really.

Myself, im not a huge buyer of games, i buy quality over quantanty, would rather spend $100 on a good long game thats had a bit of effort put into it and get absourded and spend alot of time on the game (thats what im paying for), then 2 games for $50 that are garbage. Thats why i have always been a Nintendo fan.
Sony pumps so many games out of it ass and 1 out of 10 are worth buying when Nintendo 7-8 out of 10 games are good.
And your comment about the the 200gb of storage, doesn't mean big games, remember PS3 super awsome graphics in High Def, means needs more space, High def makes a huge differance in the space needed.
Lets say there's a wii games that 2gb, bring that up to the PS3 graphic level and then high def, it would be easy around the 10gb.
I also read a while back that a HD movie would fit on 4 Standard DVD's, its the same movie, same length but needs 4 times the space because of high def.
Seriously, if you think Sony having games on blu-ray means the games are going to be super duper longer, than you are dumb. That would require the game developers to spend a shitload longer developing the game, which would have to jack the price up of the game like crazy.

And developers have already said the Sony Developer Kit blows hard.
im not anti PS3, i just think its to ahead of its time, which is why its to exspensive which is why i wouldn't buy one.
Maybe if it was released next year, it wouldn't be so pricey, and alot more people would have hi def tv's and can get the full pontenial out of it.
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People, I didn't mean this as a PS3 bash topic. I meant this as a topic to state why the games most likely won't be longer...

Prominent points have been made, which I agree with.

Sony just wants a standard (200 GB BRD )

They'll be more textured/flashy games.

I've played a PS3 at my friend's house and the controller kept not responding...but that was the same way with a friend's Wii. Most of the problems these consoles are having are shared problems...So there is no one flawless company. I'll say that right now.

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