Why not do two types Final fantasy

The Wii is the holy grale of console gaming. Final Fantasy 7 was a letdown because it wasn't on the N64. Dont even try to say otherwise because I know Im right.
The graphics for the recent FF games have not been all that impressive. Surely, the wii would be able to support future titles. Its not like were talking about Halo 3 or Fear - its an RPG.
ocdan said:
what are these limitations you speak of?
Well i'm just saying that most FF's aim for realistic graphics, and the Wii can't compete with the other consoles in that respect. So it would have to be like FF:CC2,FFIX or cell shaded like DQ 8.

Ok maybe hardware isn't a real issue, but what about number. Wich FF would the Wii get? I think it would be hard to make Sony let them make 14/15 for the Wii.

What i would want is a big budget FF spin-off (not FF:CC3) made by people who are passionate about keeping non realistic graphic FF's alive (the IX team falls into that category :) )

lazygunn said:
The Wii is the holy grale of console gaming. Final Fantasy 7 was a letdown because it wasn't on the N64. Dont even try to say otherwise because I know Im right.
It wasn't possible to make FF7 for the N64 in it's original form. Dont even try to say otherwise because YOU know Im right
There has been talk about Kingdom Hearts 3 coming to 360 and Wii, so im lookin forward to that from Square Enix
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Redan499 said:
There has been talk about Kingdom Hearts 3 coming to 360 and Wii, so im lookin forward to that from Square Enix

Redan where have you heard this news from? I just really want a good Final fantasy game that uses the full potential of the WII
Redan499 said:
There has been talk about Kingdom Hearts 3 coming to 360 and Wii, so im lookin forward to that from Square Enix
I have seen a PS3 teaser so i doubt it

mastertones said:
Kingdom hearts is just horrible... way too easy and short
I didn't even finish the first KH game. The non-random spawn grinding, and low monster variety absolutely killed the grinding, and the story was nothing special :sleep:
Kingdom Hearts would fit better as a Wii title. Not because of the cutesy wootsy Disney characters, but I think that they can use the wiimote to make it a much more solid title.
Nintendo really needs to get some mature games on this console, otherwise it will not stand the test of time. The cutesy games are indeed welcome, but they need to outsource a LOT mor than the Gamecube, which was a huge let down in terms of the longevity of its playability.

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