Why is this such an interest?

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LiquidD said:
ok. anime and cartoons are animated the same. they draw a bunch of pictures and just put it together, ok. they don't make anime how they make cg movies like toy story and all those pixar movies.

vid link
(Its best to see it on DVD)
Oh yes they do
And it looks better than the weekly disney cgi stuff
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LiquidD said:
ok. anime and cartoons are animated the same. they draw a bunch of pictures and just put it together, ok.

Anime & Cartoons aren't entirely the same, as there's clearly enough difference between them both to warrant separate categories (under the word Animation), but yes.. they are both hand-drawn animations.

That's a good movie by the way, Prinny. Though I have yet to see the sequel.
Gikoku said:
Anime & Cartoons aren't entirely the same, as there's clearly enough difference between them both to warrant separate categories (under the word Animation), but yes.. they are both hand-drawn animations.
I think you mean a difference in cultchers and over all attitude towards what you can and cant see and what they can and cant do
(ie in one of the early eps of Naruto he stabs his hand but in the US edit it is removed)
But other than that there the same
Only thing is most animes are startin to look the same as well

That's a good movie by the way, Prinny. Though I have yet to see the sequel.
I know
Plot isnt that good but the action bits are
I might watch it again (on DVD) some time this week end
The follow ups due out in the US in March and in the UK when they can be arsed
Darkprinny said:
I think you mean a difference in cultchers and over all attitude towards what you can and cant see and what they can and cant do
(ie in one of the early eps of Naruto he stabs his hand but in the US edit it is removed)

Nah, that's just censorship (not what I meant in my post above). Though I do wish they wouldn't aim certain anime shows at children, and butchering certain scenes just to make it appropriate for the targeted audience. They should just leave it the way it is and aim it at the originally aimed audience that was targeted back in Japan.
One piece is a contender for worsed edited anime ever
I am seeing this entire thread as an insult. I am a very big anime fan. Anime is an art, beauty.. Just understand me, people. Anime is awesome. I watched Bleach and Death note for the first time last night, and I think I am now addicted to those two. I am still a big fan of Pokemon and Naruto though. I can't get enough of anime. Even the crappy, boring anime leaves me in a daze. I don't know why most of you are saying people that are anime fans have low IQs. Okay, maybe I do suck at math, but that is nothing to do with anime! Notice how I am capitalizing things correctly, and spelling things right?
It means I am SMART! Duh. >.<
Trust me on the Bleach thing
Its gose all Dragonball Z very quickly

But tis true
To group all anime fans as havein low Iqs is a insult to a lot of them (not me I R DUMB /B/tard)

Its like sayin all Wii gamers are not hardcore gamers
Or that all reality TV is rubbish (Are willdlife programs reality tv or are they a bit to real ?)
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Okay as for my dad's study on Anime fanatics being dumb...You have to remember, that's just a conjecture, just because his study clearly showed that most Anime fans have lower than normal IQ's, doesn't mean everyone of them do.

As for you guys keep coming up with the bullshit about US shows having "Bad plot lines" Thats complete bullshit, there are many TV shows out there in the US that have great plot lines.

In my perspective, Anime plots are all the same thing, there was one movie I watched, Spirited Away, which I thought was pretty cool, but it seems like every Anime TV show, or movie has a very similar plots to each other. I mean its always some dumbass paranormal crap that takes over a town or large area, then some guy comes in and destroys it somehow.

As far as it being a "Detailed" animation, thats bullshit...every shot is just a guy's mouth moving, or some sort of ridiculous walking motion..look at the people in the backgrounds for God's sake, they're all still and not moving...
we have an anime society at my school. when the kids who do morning announcements say theres an anime meeting after school you can tell their on the verge of laughing. "your encouraged to come in costume *snicker*" lol i actually have a friend who is into some anime like bleach or w/e and even he says he will not stoop low enough to join an anime club.

personally, i beleive there is only 1 anime. POKEMON! lol, but really, i find all this anime stuff very uninteresting.

it's equivelent to american animators writing the simpsons and taking all the humor out of it and replacing it with horribly animated gore. imagine Homer cutting barts head off instead of choking him. then saying "you have dishonored yourself" or somethign gay like that.
Krohn said:
Okay as for my dad's study on Anime fanatics being dumb...You have to remember, that's just a conjecture, just because his study clearly showed that most Anime fans have lower than normal IQ's, doesn't mean everyone of them do.
Dont forget people
YOUR TAX dollars paid for this reasurch
Where as id rather have my tax money spent on usefull things like A cure for cancer or How can the roiling stones keep tourin or even makein a rich tea biscuit that dosnt break into your brew
Surly that last one is more important than your blatant lie about your dad

In my perspective, Anime plots are all the same thing, there was one movie I watched, Spirited Away, which I thought was pretty cool, but it seems like every Anime TV show, or movie has a very similar plots to each other. I mean its always some dumbass paranormal crap that takes over a town or large area, then some guy comes in and destroys it somehow.
Compare the following -Naruto, Kikis delivary service, Minami-ke, Samurai X, kasimasi, death note, black lagoon, Porco rosso, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Excel saga, Dead leaves, FLCL or Lucky star
I think you will find that there all different (there are loads more)
As far as it being a "Detailed" animation, thats bullshit...every shot is just a guy's mouth moving, or some sort of ridiculous walking motion..look at the people in the backgrounds for God's sake, they're all still and not moving...
Puts forward
Samurai X, Shiguri (whoa I go all arty on your arse) Dead leaves (going MTV on your arse), FLCL

Do you only watch the stuff that they put on tv ?
Id like to point out that theres a lot of stuff on tv that looks like anime but isnt

it's equivelent to american animators writing the simpsons and taking all the humor out of it and replacing it with horribly animated gore. imagine Homer cutting barts head off instead of choking him. then saying "you have dishonored yourself" or somethign gay like that.
You must of only seen a few animes
Not all anime has gore
*Looks at his Studio Ghibli DVDS*

As for you guys keep coming up with the bullshit about US shows having "Bad plot lines" Thats complete bullshit, there are many TV shows out there in the US that have great plot lines.

I hold my hands up here not all US tv programs have a bad plot
Some dont even have one
Lets film some celebratory doing things that every body else dose
Then theres a lot that are just plane rip offs from UK tv then we get there shite on our tv
So the circle of TV is complete
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