Why do you really play the Wii?

I play the Wii because I've been playing nintendo products since i was a child. They have the franchises i grew up on, and continue to put out games for them, and as long as the games are still good, i'll continue to go out and buy them. Zelda was the biggest hook for me when the Wii was announced, as well as Super Smash Bros.

The way you control yourself in the game also is pretty damn cool. LIke in BWii, how you can twist the Wiimost to the side and your fighter jets mimic what is happening, and twist to that side as well, or Truama Center, how you feel like you're actually doing the surgery. Those controls really appeal to me and, like Laurie Lu said, added depth to the game. But seriously, i just as big as a fan for the traditional control setup as i am for the 6-axis controls.

And one more thing the Wii brings that the others don't is a lot of History. Like i stated before, I've been playing nintendo products since i was a child, and as i've grown up i've played so many great games that i really couldn't appreciate at the time. with the Virtual Console, it gives me a chance to go back and retry playing the games i loved and now that i'm older, i can actually READ the text and understand what's happening. And not just the nintendo games, but also the Genisis games i played. the fact that sega is in on that was awesome.

The Virtual console was actually the second biggest lure for me and the Wii. It lets me play the games, without having to go around hunting for an all but extinct console, and it's games. they make it easier for me.

I play the wii whenever i have time to Because i have work and school. It helps me wind down and take out some stress on the virtual bad guys. Whenever i go to parties, people beg me to bring my Wii with me, so they can play tennis and bowling, and some of my gamer friends who are big into xbox and playstation even want to see how the controls on the Wii are and want to play Zelda, just to be able to feel like they're actually swinging a sword.

That helpful? Because this post is already freaking long as hell haha
dude to be honest i got the wii because i wana get the super smach bros brawl but now they moved it up 2 months so its in feburary but the wii is as good as the 360 because of the more hands on experiance with the wii
It's just because it is the Wii!!!
It gives you a special and different way of playing games...Each game's gameplay is usually different which make it interesting to try out new ways of playing a game. The "ii also have really good games it don't full fill the RPG area that much but it still got nice games which are fun!!! I could finally get my mom to play some video games. She would say before: "Don't they ever have educational games?" or "Why do they have some many buttons?". But now she is like hey lets play wiisports and I got to say yes to that. Eventhough I got a big pile of books to read for the university. XD

I also like the wii because its a different level of gaming I would say good graphics eventhough they are not HD + Interesting gameplay + Extra features + Good games and don't forget the FUN!!!
Eddy04 said:
It's just because it is the Wii!!!
It gives you a special and different way of playing games...Each game's gameplay is usually different which make it interesting to try out new ways of playing a game. The "ii also have really good games it don't full fill the RPG area that much but it still got nice games which are fun!!! I could finally get my mom to play some video games. She would say before: "Don't they ever have educational games?" or "Why do they have some many buttons?". But now she is like hey lets play wiisports and I got to say yes to that. Eventhough I got a big pile of books to read for the university. XD

I also like the wii because its a different level of gaming I would say good graphics eventhough they are not HD + Interesting gameplay + Extra features + Good games and don't forget the FUN!!!

hey wats yur faviort wii game? mines red steel
Because it's fun you can get into the game.Everyone likes it.I tried playing Madden 06 with my fifty year old grandpa and he hated it (guess it's to complex),but when he played the Wii version of Madden 07 he killed me lol:lol: !I guess it goes to show two of the above, one the wii remote is easy to use and two that the wii really is attracting people of all ages.
Several Reasons

1 - WiiMotion - Just a whole new style of gameplay, I love my 360, but the Wii has been calling to me with the interactive gameplay.

2 - Wife - She's always loved Nintendo games, etc....so the Wii is a console we'll actually play some together.

3 - Unique Games

4 - Etc.....
Warrior said:
becuase i like oringinal games. And the wii offers that. I also likethe wiiremote lot. And, the wii....also offers that.

asking this question nearly a year into the wii's life isnt really going to raise any questions amougst wii gamers.
wii is lacking original games, it does have wii sports but weve all played it before, it just adds a new way to play old games.
A lot of things. But probably because I want to continue the series that were on the gamecube. a.k.a

Metroid Prime 3
Mario Strikers charged
Paper Mario
Mario Galexy
Resi Evil UC. . .
I play with the Wii because it's entertaining. I pretty much got it for Guitar Hero 3 and Galaxy though, and SSB when it comes out.
Honestly, the only reason i got it is because i loved the idea of the Pointer.
for FPS's which they delivered, very few.

along side that some of the Original and great games.

zelda series
Mario series

and some great original ideas
i.e Eledees 9not necesarily great game, but amazing original idea)

i got my wii on launch, and played it ever since, and in those dry times when no new games came i played my 360 and used online

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