Why do you guys hate so much

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24 pages!? It's aimless to keep any thread going this long. Oh well. Better waste some extra space. Shift has 8 pages worth easily. I need at least 1/2 a page.

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bubs said:
"Do you hate microsoft for releasing consoles that overheat also? How about nintendo for using "cheap" plastic?

Really by your logic you should hate every console and their maker.

I know from my experience, that my original ps2 is still running strong. Never had one problem with it. Same with my ps1 and PSP. The PS3 runs cool for me also. Usually its a good idea to read the instructions that say to put it in a place thats not hot and leaves room for airflow. Many people dont do this. They are stupid if they cannot read the instructions. As for cheap plastic, every console uses cheap plastic. The PS3 is actually built very well in terms of quality, same with the xbox 360. The Wii is not unfortunately, but thats why ninty actually makes a profit off of their system compared to sony and M$."

No only hate Sony, if you actually open up Playstation or Xbox you will actually see which is better made, and i dont mean the outside 'shell' i mean internal plastic and moving parts.

er... you mean, inside the case, where the mother board, rom drive, ram, cpu, gpu are and all that? I wasnt aware they were all made of cheap plastic. Or am I wrong? Personally I really do not think you know what you are talking about.

What is plastic about the chip boards? its a circut board, with hardware attached. All units are held together by metal frame.




Not much plasticy about it to be honest. Like the other consoles it has a cheap plastic case and tough innards. In fact, unlike the 360 which has cheap plastic cdrom tognues and a non-pc hard drive, the PS3 actually uses a full on seagate HD which can be upgraded with another PC HD of your choice, so any user can have as many gigs as they want.

Here lets look at the 360.


No matter how you look at it, you either would hate all the consoles for using the "plastic" or look over the fact that they do. You are just hating sony and finding a one sided excuse to do so. Your logic should then make you hate the Wii and 360 as well as nintendo and Microsoft. Dont you think being a hypocrite is kinda.. lame?

as for those "heat" issues you brought up. Please look at this:


If you know as big as you talk, you would know what those are. The ps3 doesnt run hot. In fact, if it makes you feel better, Sony is planning on going with a smaller pin cpu to reduce any heat generated by the cpu even more and it doesnt even need to.

So keep hating, but lets have some reasons that are not purely hypocritical.
I got a Wii, but I kinda wished I saved up for a ps3/Xbox instead...

If you play Carbon on the Wii, there are jagged lines EVERYWHERE.

I cannot tolerate that, my ps2 didn't do that, it's just annoying to look at. >_<
I don't have much negativity to the system itself but I do have some torwards Sony. I hate that there always pushing for new formats like beta, umd, and blu ray. I can't stand there overpromising PR campaigns that almost always turn out to be load of bs. I also felt burned about the psp I hate the fact to download ps1 games for it you also need a ps3. It's $600 price tag is also an obstacle and while I understand that as a blu-ray player its good value I would never use it as a movie player becuase it will just shorten the console's lifespan so blu-ray is not a big feature to me. The loss of many exclusive titles to a system I already own (360) has given me less of reason to buy one as well. I also find it disturbing that if the ps3 is so powerful why do most reviewers say that almost all the multisystem games run better on the 360.

With that said ps3 does have value to it depending on what features your looking for especially regarding blu ray. The systems still has some great exclusives for it as well.
Haywire said:
I don't have much negativity to the system itself but I do have some torwards Sony. I hate that there always pushing for new formats like beta, umd, and blu ray. I can't stand there overpromising PR campaigns that almost always turn out to be load of bs. I also felt burned about the psp I hate the fact to download ps1 games for it you also need a ps3. It's $600 price tag is also an obstacle and while I understand that as a blu-ray player its good value I would never use it as a movie player becuase it will just shorten the console's lifespan so blu-ray is not a big feature to me. The loss of many exclusive titles to a system I already own (360) has given me less of reason to buy one as well. I also find it disturbing that if the ps3 is so powerful why do most reviewers say that almost all the multisystem games run better on the 360.

With that said ps3 does have value to it depending on what features your looking for especially regarding blu ray. The systems still has some great exclusives for it as well.

Actually, you dont need a ps3 to put ps1 games on your psp. Just a computer. I have a feeling you do not know how to take full advantage of the psp. Its really a revolutionary device. I like the fact that sony is trying to create new technologys, not all will succeed, but they pave the way for the new wave of tech that might. Some of their (not there) formats and technologies have succeeded, others have not, but they have not given up and that is a good thing. When consumers are only left with one option, thats a bad thing. Its all about the bigger picture.

As for most reviewers (big genalization perhaps) say that most games run better on the 360.. thats kind of funny because the PS3 doesnt have many games yet, so how could they know about "most" games. It is really about which game is optimized and made for which system. It is said that MGS4 will not be able to run on the 360 without getting rid of stuff within the game itself (this from the creator). There are also a ton of exclusives coming out for the PS3, only Sony is aquiring new franchises than stick with all the old ones. Thats all. There is only so much you can do with an older franchise, (look at mario).

It is really about your perspective. People often feel the need to hate something while loving something else thats similar. Sony has a lot of hate, but this is mainly due to the bad press and spin going around on the internet. Some might call it propaganda, and it works. (see politics).
Unless it has changed I was reffering to the ps1 downloads on the playstation store that was only accesible by the ps3 console. I have no intention to use homebrews and hacks on my psp I don't want ot risk bricking the system by chnaging firmwares and such. You are right that each system needs competition because monoplies are never a good thing for consumers.

Regarding reviews there are a lot of multi console titles available on both the 360 and ps3 by my count about 23 and in most reviews it is very typical to read that 360 versions have more consistent framerates. Truth of the matter is that most games that are not owned by the systems studios are going to be multi system this is especially evident by the number of lost exclusives by sony. Every system is going to have their own killer apps and system exclusives. Involving MGS4 I have read the exact opposite that the 360 could handle the game but Kojima wants to keep the final installment on Sony but it is rumored konami maybe forcing his hand to make it ultisystem so I would not be surprised if there is eventually a MGS4 Substance on the 360.

Your right its about perspectives and preferences but as of now if my $400 360 is running most of the dame games as a $600 ps3 why would I want to shell out that much money. As I said personally I don't hate the ps3 it will have great exclusives, and blu ray player is a value but most of its features do not interest me. I have a lack of interest in most of the ps3 exclusives anyways and since most other games are going to be multisystem the 360 just makes more sense to me.
i think that PS3 home looks cool, but its gonna take ages deveopment. +you can make the PS3 into a grill
Haywire said:
Unless it has changed I was reffering to the ps1 downloads on the playstation store that was only accesible by the ps3 console. I have no intention to use homebrews and hacks on my psp I don't want ot risk bricking the system by chnaging firmwares and such. You are right that each system needs competition because monoplies are never a good thing for consumers.

Its impossible to brick your psp now. They use a safe custom firmware update, like sonys updates. If you do something to scew up your psp, you just have to hold R on load up and it will prevent any form of bricking by reverting back to the original safe psp mode. It makes sense to have old games available via online store where your ps3 has a hard drive to hold them on. Wii does something similar. I cant imagine how thats a bad thing.

Regarding reviews there are a lot of multi console titles available on both the 360 and ps3 by my count about 23 and in most reviews it is very typical to read that 360 versions have more consistent framerates. Truth of the matter is that most games that are not owned by the systems studios are going to be multi system this is especially evident by the number of lost exclusives by sony.

Its also known that the 360 over heats more, this could be due to overclocking. Either way, I have not seen any framerate problems for ps3 games. Its not the PS3 that would be the problem, rather the developers who did not bother taking the time to optimize the game for the console. Oblivion for example.

The truth of the matter? Lol. No offense but you just said "truth" of the matter followed by something untrue. Let me tell you the "truth" about the lossed exclusives. The games will still appear on the PS3. Heres the thing, both 360 and PS3 games cost a lot more money to make. Sony or Microsoft have the option to pay the developer to keep the game purely exclusive or not. Most developers would rather be multiplatform because it means a wider audience, but it has its draw backs. Exclusives have the drawbacks of a smaller audience but less developement time. Sony could have kept the exclusives if they felt it was necessary to do so by purchasing the exclusive rights. Microsoft is seen blowing a lot of money in this, however, Sony does not deem it necessary. Why? Because they are putting faith in HOME and Blueray as well as FREE internet play.

Companies not owned by sony are not all multiplatform as you would like to assume. Thats not how business works.

Lets look at The Darkness coming out for the 360/ps3. Are they the same game? Yes and no. The 360 is limited to a 9gig dvd and slower processing power. The PS3 version will have more content packed into the game. Developers dont have to worry about the space limitations with blue ray and it shows. Now that we are aware that the ps3 version has more content packed into, all of what the developers wanted inside it, then free online play as well as HOME which will have a 3d world where your purchase and achievements in The Darkness become apparent within HOME itself.

So with this in mind, its almost as if the darkness is an exclusive without sony paying more to the developer to keep it so. Naturally I would rather play it on the PS3 due to the added content, free online play, cinematic capabilities and HOME rewards from playing the game. Sony is not worried about the exclusives. They are not losing them as much as not trying to keep them. Its more cost efficent that way.

So now are you saying Metal Gear Solid 4 is owned by sony? It will be an exclusive, yet its not owned by sony. So your initial statement is incorrect. The reason for it being exclusive was stated by the games creator, he said the PS3 is the only system capable of running his cinematic style and game mechanics. As you can see, theres much more than meets the eye. So now when you say the "truth" of the matter, you can speak from the truth.

Every system is going to have their own killer apps and system exclusives. Involving MGS4 I have read the exact opposite that the 360 could handle the game but Kojima wants to keep the final installment on Sony but it is rumored konami maybe forcing his hand to make it ultisystem so I would not be surprised if there is eventually a MGS4 Substance on the 360.
Nope, Kojima says the PS3 is only capable of running the game how he envisions it. He could dumb down some of the features he wanted to make it multiplatform but will not since he is the "director" so to speak.

He followed by expressing his interest in making completely different games for the other consoles, mainly the wii and the PC.

Your right its about perspectives and preferences but as of now if my $400 360 is running most of the dame games as a $600 ps3 why would I want to shell out that much money. As I said personally I don't hate the ps3 it will have great exclusives, and blu ray player is a value but most of its features do not interest me. I have a lack of interest in most of the ps3 exclusives anyways and since most other games are going to be multisystem the 360 just makes more sense to me.

Read what I said about The Darkness. Thers just some things that will become stronger as we move on. You might feel differently once those features have been launched, as of right now the 360 had a year head start, and it shows.
I think your a little to in love with your own hype. I'll admit I have not touched my psp in awhile and I'll use this article http://www.gamespot.com/news/6162670.html from decemeber to illustrate my meaning where it clearly states that the ps1 games for the psp need to be downloaded onto a ps3 first before transfering it to a psp. Also for a time there were cases of firmware hacks bricking psp's and once again that may have changed; but either way I still do not want to use illegal homebrew, emulation, and hacks on my psp.

How is what I said untrue Assasins Creed, Fatal Inertia, Virtua Fighter 5, Devil May Cry 4 are just a few of the lost ps3 exclusives. Also do a search through any game sites preview list and you will see most third party games are multiconsole. Also don't put words in my mouth I never said MGS4 was owned by Sony I said Kojima wanted to keep the last installment with Sony and then followed it by saying konami maybe forcing him to port it to the 360. I have never heard of Kojima saying that it could not be run on 360 and the closest thing I could even recall is him saying that the size of HD video is pushing the size limit of a dvd-9 disc.

I could go through various reviews and pull out quotes of the various 360 / ps3 multi console games stating the framerate issues if you really wish to be proved wrong.

Your fooling yourself if you think the Darkness is going to be superior on the ps3. I'm not 100% sure but I think the game did begin its development on the 360 and its using an updated engine from chronicles of riddick from the original x-box. I guarantee by the time the reviews come out they will score exactly the same. You simply want to believe that the ps3 is greater than it truely is the only things that ps3 has going for it right now is the blu-ray and extra space it holds but the cell architecture has made it hard for developers to get consistent framerates.

The ps3 does have potential for power but the developers are still struggling to get there and its extra space is going to make it the better machine if it can regain control as the number 1 console. But if they don't they will be getting 360 ports to the ps3 just like the second place X-box last generation reveived lesser powered ps2 ports. Also Sony marketing is piece of **** with there false promises on features and blatant lies in PR.
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Here is 6 reviews saying that 360 games have better framrates than the ps3 version of the same game.

Spiderman 3 http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/785/785643p2.html
Although New York is prettier than last time, Spider-Man 3 is not up to snuff for Xbox 360. Cars, buildings and textures pop in and out as you shoot through areas; you'll still see the same passive civilians over and over; the framerate chugs during some battles (though it is much smoother than on PS3); the view gets a smear of Vasoline as lights in the night crop up; and collision detection is laughable -- at one point, Spidey "dodged" a missile by letting it pass through his pelvis.

Ultimate Alliance http://ps3.ign.com/articles/746/746161p2.html
Oh, and just for argument's sake, we popped in the 360 version of Ultimate Alliance to compare and we have to say... the PS3 edition just isn't as polished. Comparatively, there's a lot more framerate stutter with our game compared to theirs (expect hiccups when turning the camera in highly-populated areas) and the colors are deeper and seem to be in better contrast with the 360. At least Sony owners can take solace in knowing that in 1080p, their game's textures certainly look better, and that regardless of resolution, Ultimate Alliance has better bloom lighting and more particles on PS3.

Call of Duty 3 http://ps3.ign.com/articles/746/746533p2.html
Based on criteria like this, it's hard to imagine COD not impressing. After all, it sounds exciting, so where are all the pitfalls? Unfortunately, they can be found everywhere... especially if you've played the Xbox 360 version released earlier in the year. A quick comparison reveals those differences right off the bat. Be it with multiplayer options and online capabilities (360 has a point system and voice support, PS3 doesn't), or the visuals (Xbox moves at a smoother framerate with few hitches, while the PS3 version stutters often and boasts a more "washed out" color palette).

Tony Hawk Project 8 http://ps3.ign.com/articles/745/745182p3.html
The first major issue that the PlayStation 3 version has is that it doesn't include any online support. Considering that the Tony Hawk series was the first online game for the PlayStation 2, even before the Network Adapter was ever released, makes this seem curious. And the fact that this is the only major launch title that isn't online but should be is basically inexcusable. Tony Hawk's online play is good fun, and it's really disappointing that Neversoft included it with the Xbox 360 version but not this one.

The second problem with the PS3 variant of Project 8 is that it simply doesn't run all that well. The game chops up left and right, sometimes to the point where the controls don't feel responsive. It's bad enough that the camera isn't always perfect, but when it's staring at the bottom of your board and the game is running at 15fps, well, there's a major problem. That's not to say that it always runs poorly, as it can be reasonably quick most of the time, but Project 8 chops up way more often than is normally forgivable.

Need For Speed Carbon http://ps3.ign.com/articles/746/746311p2.html
Visually, the PlayStation 3 version of Need for Speed Carbon falls short of its Xbox 360 counterpart. The two games run at roughly the same framerate, but the PS3's filtering effects, specifically the blurring, can be ugly. Road textures look nice and detailed at low speeds, but when you're flying down the road and the game blurs everything, they simply look poor. A few other odd things don't match up either, like the Drafter's wake, which is a transparent cylinder on the 360 and some rather ugly blue streamers on the PS3.

FEAR http://ps3.ign.com/articles/782/782476p2.html
And therein lies the rub. As much fun as F.E.A.R. is, it's never going to live up to the expectation cross-platform users have in their heads. Simply put, the PS3 doesn't hold a candle to the visuals found in the Xbox 360 version -- especially considering the handful of bugs that have dead soldiers getting stuck in walls and twitching on the floor. The detailed environments and clear draw distances aren't found on PS3. If you had never seen the other versions of F.E.A.R., you still wouldn't be impressed with the PS3's graphics, but compared to the PC and 360, this version is graphically dead in the water.

When will people get over the technical crap and realise that games are about good gameplay. If you want to see something which is visually stunning then go and watch a movie.

Here's a good example; Final Fantasy VI is, IMHO, better than every title on the X-Box and X-Box 360 and that came out on the SNES. Hell, it's better than every Wii title too and, apart from a few titles on the Playstation consoles, it pretty much owns the Playstation too. You know why? Because back then the creators didn't rely on graphics to sell their games...

To be honest anyone who only cares about graphics and technical capabilities is completely missing the point of gaming; you should just buy the console which has the most games which appeal to you. Which in my case, at this moment in time, would be the PS3 simply because of the backwards compatability and the fact the Playstation 1/2 has most of the games I love right there.

EDIT: Whoever wrote those reviews in the post above should give their jobs and paychecks to me. Maybe then people would get an informed opinion about a game rather than a bunch of bullshit about FPS. Go and look at some Picasso's if you want something pretty, jeez.

Leet failures all around.
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this thread is huge, glad i could take away all the flaming and debating threads from the ps3 section and put them in 1 though!
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