Why do you guys hate so much

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PS3 didn't make a big enough jump for me to like it.. PSone to PS2 was a big jump. GCN to Wii was a big jump. But PS2 to PS3? Not big enough for me. Graphics won't win ME over!

*shakes fist*
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  • #422
Phodon said:
PS3 didn't make a big enough jump for me to like it.. PSone to PS2 was a big jump. GCN to Wii was a big jump. But PS2 to PS3? Not big enough for me. Graphics won't win ME over!

*shakes fist*
its way more than that, *sigh*
you could 360 is just an upgrade in graphics... but atleast its not 600 bucks..lol 300 bucks for a new system thats HD ready isnt a bad price... even if all they came out with was a HD upgrade for the xbox.. people would have paid the money to play in HD... there hddvd drive is seperate... smart move MS...
I'm not criticising the 360, but it is the same as the ps3 and an upgrade from is predecessor. The PS3 is only a higher price because of its technology, they'd be better selling it cheaper, but they can't because of the cost they put into it. I suppose I'll need to buy one and see how good it is before I say these things but I'm pretty sure it'll be good for some people. Just like the wii for some people, and the 360 for some people. I've always been into Sony and Nintendo, so yea, I'm not gonna say anything bad about the 360, it's good, but they games on it aren't my type of games. To each their own.
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  • #426
Celestial said:
I'm not criticising the 360, but it is the same as the ps3 and an upgrade from is predecessor. The PS3 is only a higher price because of its technology, they'd be better selling it cheaper, but they can't because of the cost they put into it. I suppose I'll need to buy one and see how good it is before I say these things but I'm pretty sure it'll be good for some people. Just like the wii for some people, and the 360 for some people. I've always been into Sony and Nintendo, so yea, I'm not gonna say anything bad about the 360, it's good, but they games on it aren't my type of games. To each their own.
read the first sentence and now im giving you this response: your opinion dosent matter if you think that :)

yah but seriously all you fanboys who just say: its an upgrade in graphics, ARE WRONG. i thought the saem thing until i got a 360, it has a great service for downloads and addicting achievements, and theres much more, so all you guys need to get your head out of your fanboy ass and open your eyes :thumbsup:
Sovieto said:
read the first sentence and now im giving you this response: your opinion dosent matter if you think that :)

yah but seriously all you fanboys who just say: its an upgrade in graphics, ARE WRONG. i thought the saem thing until i got a 360, it has a great service for downloads and addicting achievements, and theres much more, so all you guys need to get your head out of your fanboy ass and open your eyes :thumbsup:

You thought the same until you got a 360, maybe you'll realise that the PS3 is good if you get one, you can't criticise a console until you spend some time on it.
i had a 360 got it right around launch.. it is cool nice improvement over the xbox.. with some added bonus but for what i paid at launch for it..lol i shouldn't have.. but now that i have played with the PS3 a bit and seen what it is.. im probably going to go back to the 360.. ill wait another 6-9 months probably see where prices are, see what games PS finnaly comes out with but if that doesnt get better then he 360 is the other sided console for me.. over PS3.
lets face it guys it will be a while till nintendo gets into the games that are now PS and MS Territory... and both seem to always have id say 90% the same 3rd party games shared between systems so really it comes down to what has the better 10% of 1st and 2nd party games... and really with PS hurting i don't doubt someone else will snatch up GTA if they dont get the Systems out, game designers want to sell as many as possibal and they will do that on another system... so to complete my collection as of right now the PS3 is useless and the other half of games are on 360 or will be devided between Wii and 360...
the only reason i think the ps3 is bad is that there are no games that i want for it that i can't get on my 360. i don't really care if ps3 has a blu ray drive in it, i want a games console not a movie player. blu ray hasnt even got onto its feet yet over here in england it's got about 2 films i would want, one of them being on hd dvd aswell but at double the price of dvd's. i'm not going to watch the film over and over to justify paying out for a ps3 when i could just get the dvd at half the price. so for me the ps3 hasn't really got anything to offer except an empty wallet.
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  • #432
Nfanboy said:
PS3 and 360 sucks eggs and deserves to rot out in Alkatraz
hey nobody likes you your just a little fanboy who has no life because their life goal is to hate pieces of ****in PLASTIC
Nfanboy said:
PS3 and 360 sucks eggs and deserves to rot out in Alkatraz
NO, because if nintendo does'nt have a competitor they will get lazy,and some other componie will come in and kick there asses,Like when the sega genesis came out,
but now that it has two other competitors it had to really think about "how can my console be superior to the others?".And look what came out in the end the wii.
Notice how all of the nintendo consoles that cam after the NES were not that amazing compared to the nes.
It's the competitors that make other companies get better!

Sovieto said:
hey nobody likes you your just a little fanboy who has no life because their life goal is to hate pieces of ****in PLASTIC
good point why the hell waist your time hating something, when you could be playing on wii.
P.S: I bet that you have never played 360 or PS3 or atleast any of the good games.

All in all the PS3 is just taking the lesser from both consoles:
PS3 has: motion sensing(wii)Online play(360) the greatest graphics(ps3, but as you guys said gameplay is everything not graphics)
but of course the motion sensing sucks, and the online is ok.
so basically the ps3 is a copy of everything but not the best copies.
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Ps3 has a great value.....I mean a regualar Blu-Ray player is $1000 or more. The PS3 adds internet connection and a gaming system! Great deal right there and there is more....Full-HD capibility, free network, great online gaming (not sure if Wii's online yet) and a lot of memory. I think the Wii's games are aimed for the younger population but Wii has some great features too....(I dont know much since I dont own one) Cant Nintendo and the Sony get along, as long as we crush Microsoft that is....
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