Why do you guys hate so much

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Jer5078 said:
The way this seems, to many people are against the PS3, having both systems I was able to compare them in the comfort of my home. The Wii was great with the new gameplay, but it lacked graphics which is a good thing to have. Also the only good game out for Wii right now is Zelda (other then Wii sports). There are a few good games coming out soon but most of the games coming out don't seem to be that great. The PS3 on the other hand has a lot of great games for gamers and the graphics are AMAZING. I would rather play a game like Resistance: Fall of Man over every game the Wii has to offer (well zelda is just as good but I don't like to compare games that are really different.) Another thing is the Wii was suppose to have online play and everything of the sort, well where is it? It is taking the Wii long enough to get the online play out. PS3 has free online play unlike the xbox360 (worst system by far) and the PS3 had online play as soon as it was released. I mean the Wii is a good system I'm not saying anything bad about it, but the PS3 is just better overall. It is well worth the money, it is a great game system, and it doesn't have so many children games like the Wii (basically all the games they make).
Ok, this may be somewhat old to be quoting, but I have just got to say my view on this matter, first, I am not a nintendo fanboy, I am not a SONY fanboy, and i'm not a microsoft fanboy, so don't say that my views are based on me being a fanboy, I am not
The Wii was great with the new gameplay, but it lacked graphics which is a good thing to have.
I do agree that the Wii dosen't have high end grapics, but with my budget and wants, I don't have $600 for the "best" graphics, and I care more about better gameplay and nostalgia, yeah, retro games, like super mario world
Also the only good game out for Wii right now is Zelda (other then Wii sports)
Excuse me? Red Steel, Wario Smooth Moves, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, those are bad games? and what about VC? That is why I got the Wii truthfully, an N64 without cartridges, well, in a couple more months anyways
Another thing is the Wii was suppose to have online play and everything of the sort, well where is it? It is taking the Wii long enough to get the online play out
want to play games online? CALL DELL AND STOP DISSING THE WII, yeah, if you want to play games online, invest in a computer, that is if your computer isn't up to par for games, otherwise, look for games for it, I like online gaming too, but I can live without it
PS3 has free online play unlike the xbox360 (worst system by far) and the PS3 had online play as soon as it was released
It is true that the PS3 has free online play, but i'm not going to risk getting a $600 doorstop (that's all the PS3 is worth, with grapical errors, boot failure, and what not) just so I can play games online for free, like I said, I can live without that, and how is the XBOX 360 a bad system? I'm guessing you have never used one, because I have a 360 myself and I am very happy with my purchase, not to mention, try play retro games on the PS3, what is that? You can't? I can do that on my Wii and my 360, don't get me wrong, I like the PS3, but i'll get it when it has at least a $400 price drop, and i'll wait for SONY to work out the bugs (like they ever will, SONY has a lot of faults, two being the PS3 and their VAIO line of computers, don't get me started), oh, and another thing I like about the XBOX 360 that i'm sure the PS3 can't do is the possibility to download movie rentals from XBOX live, try that on PS3, and yes, you can download HD movies too
It is well worth the money, it is a great game system, and it doesn't have so many children games like the Wii (basically all the games they make)
okay, let's start with the fact that it is NOT worth the money to invest in a PS3 (360 is another story), I do believe that inside the exterior of bugs and it being overpriced as a console with plenty of potential and interesting features, like the compatibility with the PSP, but there is still the exterior of bugs and it being overpriced, your right about the fact that the PS3 has less childrens games than the Wii, but there are some games that are out for the Wii that you don't want anywhere close to kids, like Red Steel, if Red Steel is a kids game, then why isn't the GTA series a kids series? They are different games entirely, bit they both have something in common, they both have shooting, oh, and in Red Steel, you play the game with the Wii-mote like you are really using that item, therefore would increase violence in underage players, therefore the Wii has games that are not in the children age group

Now I don't hate the PS3, I just like the 360 and the Wii better, and they are in a better price range, the only person that would write something like that would be a SONY fanboy, the PS3 failed the console war, live with it
Thta's right, it isn't and it doesn't need to, better yet, they may even get the price higher because it's such a good console and a success, there will be online games for all those online whores sooner than you think..and the graphics can compete with the other consoles, it's just that the first waves of games didn't because they were kinda rushed and were the first..but the Wii is the best
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  • #335
gamechaser001 said:
Ok, this may be somewhat old to be quoting, but I have just got to say my view on this matter, first, I am not a nintendo fanboy, I am not a SONY fanboy, and i'm not a microsoft fanboy, so don't say that my views are based on me being a fanboy, I am not

I do agree that the Wii dosen't have high end grapics, but with my budget and wants, I don't have $600 for the "best" graphics, and I care more about better gameplay and nostalgia, yeah, retro games, like super mario world

Excuse me? Red Steel, Wario Smooth Moves, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, those are bad games? and what about VC? That is why I got the Wii truthfully, an N64 without cartridges, well, in a couple more months anyways

want to play games online? CALL DELL AND STOP DISSING THE WII, yeah, if you want to play games online, invest in a computer, that is if your computer isn't up to par for games, otherwise, look for games for it, I like online gaming too, but I can live without it

It is true that the PS3 has free online play, but i'm not going to risk getting a $600 doorstop (that's all the PS3 is worth, with grapical errors, boot failure, and what not) just so I can play games online for free, like I said, I can live without that, and how is the XBOX 360 a bad system? I'm guessing you have never used one, because I have a 360 myself and I am very happy with my purchase, not to mention, try play retro games on the PS3, what is that? You can't? I can do that on my Wii and my 360, don't get me wrong, I like the PS3, but i'll get it when it has at least a $400 price drop, and i'll wait for SONY to work out the bugs (like they ever will, SONY has a lot of faults, two being the PS3 and their VAIO line of computers, don't get me started), oh, and another thing I like about the XBOX 360 that i'm sure the PS3 can't do is the possibility to download movie rentals from XBOX live, try that on PS3, and yes, you can download HD movies too

okay, let's start with the fact that it is NOT worth the money to invest in a PS3 (360 is another story), I do believe that inside the exterior of bugs and it being overpriced as a console with plenty of potential and interesting features, like the compatibility with the PSP, but there is still the exterior of bugs and it being overpriced, your right about the fact that the PS3 has less childrens games than the Wii, but there are some games that are out for the Wii that you don't want anywhere close to kids, like Red Steel, if Red Steel is a kids game, then why isn't the GTA series a kids series? They are different games entirely, bit they both have something in common, they both have shooting, oh, and in Red Steel, you play the game with the Wii-mote like you are really using that item, therefore would increase violence in underage players, therefore the Wii has games that are not in the children age group

Now I don't hate the PS3, I just like the 360 and the Wii better, and they are in a better price range, the only person that would write something like that would be a SONY fanboy, the PS3 failed the console war, live with it
you pretty much pwnt him completely except for in 2 areas
zelda is wii's only good game, red steel and them are medicore games, the games "worth buying a system for" are the ones that are considered good games in his eyes im guessing (but the ps3 dosent have any either, except resistance)
and online play, wii, pc, very different, you cant jsut say: you want to play online wtih a motion sensing controller? go play with a mouse and keyboard online!
yah but besides that bravo, bravo
Sovieto said:
you pretty much pwnt him completely except for in 2 areas
zelda is wii's only good game, red steel and them are medicore games, the games "worth buying a system for" are the ones that are considered good games in his eyes im guessing (but the ps3 dosent have any either, except resistance)
and online play, wii, pc, very different, you cant jsut say: you want to play online wtih a motion sensing controller? go play with a mouse and keyboard online!
yah but besides that bravo, bravo
Um, thanks, it's basically what I do, if somebody disses something and lists reasons why they diss it, but the reasons are bogus, I correct them, what really set me off is what he said about the 360, calling it the worst console in the console war, which obviously isn't true, it is obvious he is a SONY fanboy, SONY gave me nothing but trouble, one of them being my LocationFree acting up

Red Steel might not be the best game, but it isn't bad, WarioWare is a good game though, it might be mediocre, still good though, I spent hours on the game when I got it and couldn't tear myself away from it, it's kind of like how Loco Roco was to the PSP (the only product that SONY managed to succeed at), anyway, some of the game that are playable on the Wii are pretty good, their best games are on VC though, as for Zelda, I admit it's a good game (almost bought it myself) i'm just not that good at those kind of games

and the rant that I told him about getting a computer was that he was saying that PS3 was to only console to have free online gaming, which is true, until nintendo comes out with it's first online game, but at least in my opinion, online gaming isn't a must have, it's just nice to have, but if it's that important to him, the PC has a wide range of games that can be played online, and the computer can do more

there is a way to sync the Wii-mote to the PC, but the compatibility hasn't been mapped into games yet, but when they do, it would be interesting to see how PC games will change that will allow the Wii-mote to be used, it will also be interesting to see monitors come with sensor bars built in:drool:
Avoiding 17 pages of reading.. I think I'll just put some comments here.

I was originally planning to buy a PS3. I was planning on waiting until it came within the Wii price range of $200-$300. This is back when they called it the Revolution, and nobody knew anything about it.

Then came Wii. I was skeptical, but weeks passed and videos started showing up. Lots of them. I watched, I was impressed.

Every so often I saw PS3 clips coming out, I watched them. Was I impressed? Depends. The graphics were impressive. But were the games? No.. not really. It's a different story with the Wii though.

Who the hell had played anything like this before? Elebits? Excite Truck? Super Mario Galaxy?

These wern't just remakes (though I have to admit, some companies took that cheap route, but even then.. they turned out half decent).

When I got my Wii, I still had it in my mind that maybe in 2008, 2009 I'd get a PS3. I wanted one, I sort of still do.

But reading this topic, I've seen people say that you need a HDMI cable connection? Well.. that might be a problem. I do have one.

New TV, replaced my old one and my computer monitor. It's really nice. But it only has ONE HDMI connection. It's a pain in the ass to get to and put a cable in there, hell, ANY cable on this TV is a pain to get in.

So the PS3 requires a HDMI connection? Well, then I guess I won't be getting one. I like my computer, and it USES that connection. I'm not going to spend 5-10 minutes getting frustrated disconnecting and reconnecting **** on the back of my TV just for a PS3. Sorry, I'm just not.

Maybe it can use component? Well.. my Wii uses that. So sorry PS3, if you even could, you can't.

Maybe it can use composite? Well.. I seriously doubt it would, and then.. what would the point be? HD over composite is like putting nitro into a Ford F100 Pickup from the 1950s. Sure, it could work in theory, but who in their right mind would WANT to do that?

Again, sorry PS3 and Sony, but you made all the wrong decisions.

The thing that probably was the last straw for me was the new and improved controller. Not.

Everybody could see that you said to yourself:

OH SH--..!

When you saw what the Wii could do. You didn't think Nintendo would do something that good. Not after the GameCube.

But you were wrong Sony, very wrong.
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  • #338
gamechaser001 said:
Um, thanks, it's basically what I do, if somebody disses something and lists reasons why they diss it, but the reasons are bogus, I correct them, what really set me off is what he said about the 360, calling it the worst console in the console war, which obviously isn't true, it is obvious he is a SONY fanboy, SONY gave me nothing but trouble, one of them being my LocationFree acting up

Red Steel might not be the best game, but it isn't bad, WarioWare is a good game though, it might be mediocre, still good though, I spent hours on the game when I got it and couldn't tear myself away from it, it's kind of like how Loco Roco was to the PSP (the only product that SONY managed to succeed at), anyway, some of the game that are playable on the Wii are pretty good, their best games are on VC though, as for Zelda, I admit it's a good game (almost bought it myself) i'm just not that good at those kind of games

and the rant that I told him about getting a computer was that he was saying that PS3 was to only console to have free online gaming, which is true, until nintendo comes out with it's first online game, but at least in my opinion, online gaming isn't a must have, it's just nice to have, but if it's that important to him, the PC has a wide range of games that can be played online, and the computer can do more

there is a way to sync the Wii-mote to the PC, but the compatibility hasn't been mapped into games yet, but when they do, it would be interesting to see how PC games will change that will allow the Wii-mote to be used, it will also be interesting to see monitors come with sensor bars built in:drool:
o0 yes i like to set facts straight with fanboys too
i know those games are good but yah, im all about online, when i had my wii i was waiting for online and zelda: a link to the past, now 360 online blows away anything ive seen before and well my friend is gonna let me borrow link to the past for the gba but yah, i do the same with a lot of fanboys so a lot of people hate me now i think, just because they think facts are opinions on my side and on their side opinions are facts
MaXiMiUS, The PS3 does not require a HDMI cable to play it, there are a ton of rumors that say bad things about the PS3 but none of them are true. Another rumor would be the one where people are saying that once you play a game on a PS3 it can only be played on that one, which is not true because I have rented a couple of titles and even saw a couple used games at EB Games.
For you two that are calling me a Sony Fanboy, sure you can go with that, I do in fact, like Sony consoles the best, but i'm not all for Sony, I do like Nintendo too. gamechaser001, you did say some half decent things. Some sucked. Especially the remark about the having a computer for online play. Well lets see, my computer is decent, I am in fact a person who plays WoW, so my computer has to be decent, then there are other games I play CoD2, doom3 etc. but to get back on topic, there are certain games that are a lot more fun on consoles to play online, a example would be Madden games. I think I speak for everyone here when I say it would be awesome if Wii sports was online. Then, your comment about how there are some other "good" games. Not true, zelda and wii sports are the only good games as of right now. I haven't played a bad game on the PS3 yet, and I have played about 5 of the games out. Also, when you were backing up the xbox360, alright thats fine, I just hate xbox in general so I included that comment. About your whole saying the gameplay is fun and stuff, well actually, I enjoy the retro stuff as you were saying with the VC how you like the retro games. I enjoy being lazy and sitting there playing the game, not actually having to move around just to play a video game. About Red steel not being a children games, there are a few maybe about 2, I was thinking of Red steel as being more of a 007 type game where tons of different aged people play it, I have not tried it myself, but have heard that it sucks. I would though, really appreciate it if all of the hating of the PS3 stops, really its getting annoying. I came here because I own a Wii, not to hear about how much everyone hates the PS3 because they don't have the money to buy one or they are a fanboy.
Sovieto said:
o0 yes i like to set facts straight with fanboys too
i know those games are good but yah, im all about online, when i had my wii i was waiting for online and zelda: a link to the past, now 360 online blows away anything ive seen before and well my friend is gonna let me borrow link to the past for the gba but yah, i do the same with a lot of fanboys so a lot of people hate me now i think, just because they think facts are opinions on my side and on their side opinions are facts
I never knew you had a wii. But online is great! Wii online i'm pretty sure in gonna be like the ds, thats kinda a bad thing, but i still ove to play online mario kart on my ds.Before i got my ds, i thought online was dumb, don't ask why, but when i played online on my ds i fell in love with the online, cannot wait to get my 360 and play online.
Major Tom said:
I hate the PS3. Sony screwed up. I doubt the'll even make it half way to PS4. There already falling behind in sales...
360 10.5 million
Wii 6.7 million
PS3 1.6 million
I think we see who the winner is: Wii.
Here's the link for last months sales. The figures I have up are from gamespot, IGN, and 1up. I dont have those links...
how does this show the wii is winning? It definitely shows that ps3 is loosing but.....
freakpizzaboy said:
game chaser just one other thing

what "retro" games are availible for the xbox? lol
you can get:
sonic mega collection plus
and some classic mega man game collection
Jer5078 said:
MaXiMiUS, The PS3 does not require a HDMI cable to play it, there are a ton of rumors that say bad things about the PS3 but none of them are true. Another rumor would be the one where people are saying that once you play a game on a PS3 it can only be played on that one, which is not true because I have rented a couple of titles and even saw a couple used games at EB Games.
For you two that are calling me a Sony Fanboy, sure you can go with that, I do in fact, like Sony consoles the best, but i'm not all for Sony, I do like Nintendo too. gamechaser001, you did say some half decent things. Some sucked. Especially the remark about the having a computer for online play. Well lets see, my computer is decent, I am in fact a person who plays WoW, so my computer has to be decent, then there are other games I play CoD2, doom3 etc. but to get back on topic, there are certain games that are a lot more fun on consoles to play online, a example would be Madden games. I think I speak for everyone here when I say it would be awesome if Wii sports was online. Then, your comment about how there are some other "good" games. Not true, zelda and wii sports are the only good games as of right now. I haven't played a bad game on the PS3 yet, and I have played about 5 of the games out. Also, when you were backing up the xbox360, alright thats fine, I just hate xbox in general so I included that comment. About your whole saying the gameplay is fun and stuff, well actually, I enjoy the retro stuff as you were saying with the VC how you like the retro games. I enjoy being lazy and sitting there playing the game, not actually having to move around just to play a video game. About Red steel not being a children games, there are a few maybe about 2, I was thinking of Red steel as being more of a 007 type game where tons of different aged people play it, I have not tried it myself, but have heard that it sucks. I would though, really appreciate it if all of the hating of the PS3 stops, really its getting annoying. I came here because I own a Wii, not to hear about how much everyone hates the PS3 because they don't have the money to buy one or they are a fanboy.
I'm just going to gut out the part pertaining to me
the same person as above said:
gamechaser001, you did say some half decent things. Some sucked. Especially the remark about the having a computer for online play. Well lets see, my computer is decent, I am in fact a person who plays WoW, so my computer has to be decent, then there are other games I play CoD2, doom3 etc. but to get back on topic, there are certain games that are a lot more fun on consoles to play online, a example would be Madden games. I think I speak for everyone here when I say it would be awesome if Wii sports was online. Then, your comment about how there are some other "good" games. Not true, zelda and wii sports are the only good games as of right now. I haven't played a bad game on the PS3 yet, and I have played about 5 of the games out. Also, when you were backing up the xbox360, alright thats fine, I just hate xbox in general so I included that comment. About your whole saying the gameplay is fun and stuff, well actually, I enjoy the retro stuff as you were saying with the VC how you like the retro games. I enjoy being lazy and sitting there playing the game, not actually having to move around just to play a video game. About Red steel not being a children games, there are a few maybe about 2, I was thinking of Red steel as being more of a 007 type game where tons of different aged people play it, I have not tried it myself, but have heard that it sucks. I would though, really appreciate it if all of the hating of the PS3 stops, really its getting annoying. I came here because I own a Wii, not to hear about how much everyone hates the PS3 because they don't have the money to buy one or they are a fanboy.
Especially the remark about the having a computer for online play. Well lets see, my computer is decent, I am in fact a person who plays WoW, so my computer has to be decent, then there are other games I play CoD2, doom3 etc
Ok, good, you have a decent computer that cam play games, so if you want to play an online game, use it, you were just saying how the Wii didn't have online games and because of that, it makes the Wii a less than good console, like I said before, I like online games too, and I like it better if it were free, but if I have to spend $600 for it, i'm sorry, but i'm not putting $600 towards something just because I can play games online for free, I have a computer I can use for online gaming (built it myself too), and if I want to play games online, i'll just play on that, but still I spend more time on my Wii

I had a whole buch typed up but I lost it, I don't know why you hate the XBOX 360 so much, it can do a lot more than the PS3, and I can tell you out of experience that SONY has a lot of flaws in their products, like LocationFree's connection errors, PS2's dust problem, and VAIO's line of s**tty computers, SONY isn't as good of a company as you say they are, just buy more of their products, you will see
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