whos the best wii player?

WHATTT?! Well, we haven't played in a while but I beat him in this tournament. We're like on the same level.

You beat me because of the sudden lag at the end, making me unshield just a moment to soon. So your F-smash landed. If I shielded, I could of just F-smashed you for a KO. :p

Yes, I'm clearly johning. [/fail]

It is true we havn't played in ages, though. Unless you've gotten better, we'd probably still be equal (I've stayed relatively the same, if not worse... ).
For this thread, no thanks. I'm not one for competitive Brawl anymore; to be honest, I'm not interested in the thread at all, sorry.

Friendlies, very possible.
Yeah guys, SSBB.

LOL. I only play Brawl at parties now. I'm expanding my game horizons now, moving on to genres I don't barely touch.
Ah, ok. Even if we did Brawl, if I won, it's not like it's of any merit if you don't Brawl regularly. And if I lose, I'm the laughing stock of Wiichat. :lol:
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no probz

just a thread a made for fun anyway thanks for replying
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