Who would win in a fight


RDR has received some hate due to it being a western. I'm not lying, these people do exist.

The King vs Ganon from the CDi world.
... Doom, you're really bad at this thread, ain't ya? :p

Blue screen of death vs. Optimus Prime.

RDR has received some hate due to it being a western. I'm not lying, these people do exist.


I dont hate RDR. I just haven't gotten around to buying it.

Was more implying you'll damn-well love the game if ya love GTA. Should of worded it better...
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Optimus Prime,IMA FIREN MA LAZZA vs.OVER 9000
Joltik. It's actually kind of useful; and electric type. :D

... Don't go and turn this into a Pokemon thread, Nick (much as I'd approve of it). -_-;

Demise vs. Ganondorf.
Demise. Cause his sword is 77777777% as fabulous as Ganandorf's.

Groose's punching bag from Skyward Sword vs the practice log hanging from a rope in Skyward Sword
Practice log, because the first time I wailed on it, I didn't have a shield... And eventually, well, you know.

Cojiro vs. a Blue Loftwing

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