Who Won E3?

I didn't know there was such thing as 'HD fanboys'. Yes people may call each other fanboys for supporting different systems as everyone has a different point of view. However there is a significant different between HD and SD, HD being far superior. I don't think there's any disagreement in that, so no 'fanboys'.

When he says HD fanboys he just means 360/PS3 fanboys. I think it was just a shorter way to write what he ment. Dont think its had anything to do with HD in general. At least thats how i took it.

BTW hes right on.
I thought that Nintendo had the best line up of games at E3. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Bros Wii, Metroid: Other M, Sin & Punishment 2, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit Plus, Endless Ocean 2, Muramasa The Demon Blade, Red Steel 2, The Conduit, The Grinder, Gladiator AD, Shiren The Wanderer, Ju-On The Grudge, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Dead Space Extraction, Shaun White World Stage, TMNT Smash Up, Tatsunoku vs. Capcom, Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers, No More Heroes 2 and others that I can't even remember. Anyone who says 'Nintendo just had another Mario and Metroid', well you either have blinkers on or are just plain crazy.

How can Mario Galaxy 2 being more of the same be a bad thing? The first game was GOTY, one of the highest rated games of all time and a whole lot of fun, yet people criticize a sequel. Then they'll rave about GOW3, FF14 and Halo, which are all sequels too. Double standards run rife.

People also raving over Microsoft's and Sony's motion controls and stating that they made them winners, well it might if the controllers were not totally useless for this gen. For next gen they could be great but unless every single console owner buys them they will just be a gimmick for this gen. Games will have to keep the traditional control set or risk alienating a large section of their buyers, so the motions would be a tacked on as an additional control scheme. From playing a lot of Wii ports it is clear that tacked on motions as an after thought are not good. I kind of think that Microsoft and Sony missed the boat a bit too, as the best part of the Wii controls imo is not the motion controls but actually the IR pointer.

I also find it very ironic that for the past 3 years the majority of HD fanboys having been slating the Wii and its motion controls, yet as soon as Sony and Microsoft announce theirs they are hailing them as fantastic.

Anyway, who 'won' out of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft is really irrelevant. The real winners of E3 were the gamers, as there are great games coming out for all 3 systems.

If a company can equally implement a product that features best of the both worlds, then that's the best way to go forth.

It would be great to have gamecube controller support for a game like No More Heroes, and still retain the Wiimote capabilities it still has. It's a matter of how they implement into the system, than rather the concept and mindset of a motion controller.

And it's not ironic, it's just how a fanboy's mind works. They stick to their system, bash the others, no matter how good the product is.
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During this war between the three major gaming companys, I would like nintendo to win it. But sadly, they dont really care for e3 that much. Sony, well, they just dont really appeal to me and the variety of gaming provided by them is horrible. Not alot of good games for the ps3. Microsoft, for some reason too much halo gives me a headache. Plus project natal was shown in commericial form, not in real life. That may be a hint there are still some heavy glitches to be worked out. Anyway, I would say this wasnt the best year. I did like some of the things nintendo wooped out, conduit, new zelda wii, and a new metriod game that will keep the series going. There is no clear winner, since this wasnt the best year. Unless we have someone completely new to gaming but knew the standards, their opinion would basicly be fact because of all the bitchy fanboys. Thats what I basicly think. No clear winner. Maybe microsoft.
can't wait for Metroid Other M. that game looks epic.

and you guys the PS3/360 fans are bad? Wii fans are just as bad. most claim we want more real games not shovelware, yet what sells best on the Wii?
no one won why?
wiimotionplus isnt really that cool i mean it doesnt really improve gameplay
wii sports plus looks cool im getting it for my bday hopefully
ps3 was BORING
360 was BORING
why was i dissapointed?
I saw PS3 had no chance. The new remotes were not even that cool. The objects the man was holding were kinda big which was kinda like the Wii. With Motion Control but 360 that will get boring moving your body like that all day long. Kicking notthing but air hahahahaha Wii will always be the best with Motion :p My Opinion
@Wiinus: what about Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for DS?
i feel your pain though. the world needs another Kingdom Hearts game.
Before we continue name-dropping Natal...

Project Natal’s Milo was the star of Microsoft’s E3 press conference this year. The Milo demo shown via a video by Peter Molyneux surprised the audience and many gamers around the globe by the promise of what the technology could offer. Molyneux did bring a select number of journalists to demo Milo and it was found to be mostly smoke and mirrors.

I commented the other day that I was extremely impressed with the Milo project in comparison to the other basic motion detection demos the old vision cam was capable of. However, I also commented that I wasn’t sold on the voice recognition technology as my expensive Lexus Navigation system can’t even recognize what I am telling it to find half the time.

Project Natel’s Milo is what sparked the imagination of many around the globe and those at attendance at the E3 conference. The video shown by Peter Molyneux of the Milo demo was presented to indicate that the Natal project was capable of advanced AI and voice recognition. However, attendees who live demoed Milo behind curtain doors were not as impressed after finding out that there was some smoke and mirrors involved.

Is Pinocchio a puppet or a real boy?

According to Spike’s VP of Content and editor-in-chief of Gamestrailers, Shane Satterfield indicated recently along with his peers that there was a bit of deception with Milo behind the scenes after demoing it. He stated that the select few to demo Milo live behind closed doors were instructed by Microsoft to follow exactly what was shown in the video. Satterfield also stated that there definitely is someone “controlling” (influencing) Milo behind the scenes.

He states:

All I’m going to say about Milo is that its not legit. there were a lot of smoke and mirrors going on there, not the case with the ball demo [Ricochet] and the other stuff but with Milo there was definitely a little bit of deception going on.

Satterfield also revealed that the assumed voice recognition shown in the demonstration video for Milo was a little misleading. He indicates that Peter Molyneux told him that Milo does not actually recognize the player’s voice but reacts to the tone of your voice. He also further explains that Milo says rudimentary open ended statements that will fit into whatever you say.

Apparently, Natel is not capable of voice recognition currently but in theory only. However, this does go back to what I was stating originally - is Natal’s technology or application groundbreaking?

I am not saying that the new Natal cam is not better than the old Vision cam as the depth and motion detection is superior as well as a dedicated mic that is more sensitive to picking up sounds despite distance.

I believe the idea and its application is what could be revolutionary. The technology itself is not all that impressive when you consider the fact cams like the Xbox Live Vision Cam or the PS3 EyeToy is capable of motion, depth and sound recognition through the built in microphone. The software just needs to be developed to match the appropriate application.

I do want to say that I really do respect Peter Molyneux as I think that he is a visionary but at times is restricted to the technology we have available today. However, I do believe people like him will eventually help propel the gaming industry to new planes. It will be interesting to see what kind of progress Moleyneux makes with the Milo project as time goes by.


Anyway, the real winners of E3 are the gamers. We get to play all that cool stuff!
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Microsoft's "natal" was the biggest thing there, I think they win when it comes to advancements in electronic entertainment.

The demo of it blew my mind, I can't imagine what its going to be when it has more time to develop.
wiimotionplus isnt really that cool i mean it doesnt really improve gameplay

I take it you got motion plus and the compatible games before everyone else. How does Virtua Tennis compare to Grand Slam Tennis? Is there much difference playing them with standard wiimote or motion plus?

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