Who thinks wolf form is annoying?

Wolf form is easy to control and fun. Nothing sucks about it. You're only occasionally supposed to play as the wolf, it's not like your going to be the wolf all the time. Who cares if it can't do awesome fighting moves?
Mau said:
Why did you said that!!!!! :mad5:

I am close to beating the game...... I had to look!!!! :mad2:

another one falls for the old spoiler! trick. ah, this is fun. i should put another one in there.
Yeah, if you're the guy that left a note about "PS: Dare you to look at my sig", or something like that, well... I READ IT THANKS A LOT! Because I read that one post where the guy was saying he read it and it sucked, and I thought "I wonder what it is?... like some gross transvestite picture or something?" I had to look. It was the worst thing to ever happen to me!
Adamquest64 said:
Yeah, if you're the guy that left a note about "PS: Dare you to look at my sig", or something like that, well... I READ IT THANKS A LOT! Because I read that one post where the guy was saying he read it and it sucked, and I thought "I wonder what it is?... like some gross transvestite picture or something?" I had to look. It was the worst thing to ever happen to me!

another one falls for the old spoiler trick.

btw, why would you want to look at a gross transvestite picture?
Only a gross transvestite pic of your mom (dad?), FWELR, jk. But anyway, I'm at Zant now... I think he may have said something about your spoiler before I started fighting him, I can't remember exactly. So maybe it wasn't a total spoiler for me. But it still sucked.
Wolf form is so annoying, it turns as if you were human form, just carrying a ladder horizontally. But I did like the aspect in the game.

What really annoyed me was that freaky fog that would change you intoa wolf. =_-;
psychogd92 said:
I hate playing wolf form. Its too difficult to control. What are your opinions
i totally agree with you, wolf form was something i hated going into and ruined the game for me.
I never had a problem with Link's wolf form. I actually thought it was cool.

But I only turned into a wolf when I need to travel long distances (before Epona) and to defeat the Shadow guards.
I actually like wolf form, it brings a new feel to the game and is very original.
As it is annoying lunging towards your enemy to find yourself plummeting to the ground it's really cool that you can talk to animals and use your senses to find hidden things. Regarding missing your enemy all the time remember, Z targeting is your friend :]

(You get used to it after awhile)
=| i like the wolf form... link actually looks cute =)

Controls are too easy... using 'B' button kills pretty much anything in 1 shot ...hmmm...



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