Let There Be Rock
what is your name:Vihang
where were you born:Canada
what languages do you speak:English, Hindi, French, Little German and Spanish
what is your favourite drink:Root(wOOt) Beer
what is your favourite colour:Green
have you been overseas [where/why etc]:India, Germany, Russia, China, US, England and almost all Europe.
what is your age:16
schooling?:high school grade 11
thoughts when it comes to politics:communism all the way!!1
other hobbies besides gaming:reading, slaying fools, listening to the doors,peter gabriel.wooot
information about your family [age, names, situation]:
worst quality:shy, brooding
ever hit someone:lots of times
pc or mac
where were you born:Canada
what languages do you speak:English, Hindi, French, Little German and Spanish
what is your favourite drink:Root(wOOt) Beer
what is your favourite colour:Green
have you been overseas [where/why etc]:India, Germany, Russia, China, US, England and almost all Europe.
what is your age:16
schooling?:high school grade 11
thoughts when it comes to politics:communism all the way!!1
other hobbies besides gaming:reading, slaying fools, listening to the doors,peter gabriel.wooot
information about your family [age, names, situation]:
worst quality:shy, brooding
ever hit someone:lots of times
pc or mac
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