Who recieved their new wii straps?

i0n said:
Requested them early December, still waiting :)

It's not like my others snapped or anything so i guess there's no rush for them.

Same here, I'm a big fan of truely free things so I jumped on this. Ordered four of them for when the ones I have currently get all dirty and discolored I'll have some new straps to replace them.
in the words of a customer that I had over the phone at this one job. "I want this now and if you can't get it to me now then I will raise all sorts of hell...*I start hearing him sob in the background and hang up without helping him*"

I'm such a bastard.
Do you think it'll look suss if I order 12 straps? :p

I loooooooooove free **** >=D
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