**Who Beat Zelda Thread**

xbandaidx said:
I thought the sky temple was the easiest out of all the temples, however it was the most challenging boss as it took me about 5 tries, as each try went by I adjusted my strategy.

However the best boss battle were at the end. (obvisually)

well in that temple you have to go one way, then another, then back.

i beat that boss first try, he was super fun. definitely second best boss battle in the game.

*EDIT* in fact i beat every boss first try in this game.i only died once through the whole game too.
Not even close to beating it, but, i've only played for maybe 2 hrs...or less, dunno. I'm at the 2nd light spirit, lol. I'm not far at all, I know.
I am so happy!! I just beat Twilight Princess and it is the most amazing Zelda game ever...even over Link to the Past. I can't believe how much work went into it. It was perfect, kind of short, kind of easy, but flat out amazing. I dont really know how long it took me to beat it because I accidentally left it on all night one time:sleep: lol, and i screwed around doing other stuff. If I tried straight through, maybe 38 hours? I think my final was like 48. Pure awesomeness. I need the next one...
What do you get for collecting the Poe's? I have 12 or so of them atm, just curious what you get for it. I was thinking maybe a larget coin pouch since the guy who gave the quest was in a room full of treasure ...
I've heard once you get 20 you get a bottle, but when you get all 60, you get to hold unlimited rupees...
link2232 said:
I've heard once you get 20 you get a bottle, but when you get all 60, you get to hold unlimited rupees...
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Did you say unlimited rupies??? Are you being serious or just fooling around wid us? :mad2:
62 hours, occasionaly (maybe 5-10 times) I looked at guides and this site

although that's a lot of time I played all mini-games and beat most site-quests soo..
40 hours no guides but i missed a few things. Over Christmas break i'm going to play through it again
fun game, beat it in 44 hours, going to put it down for awhile and maybe try later on to get the rest of the poes and bugs.
I beat it in like 60 hours and spent the last 10 hours playing around doing the other stuff I didn't do. So 70 hours total.
I beat it in about 38 hours without guide though I could shave off like 5 hours because I was messing around a lot.