Which Zelda song is your favorite??

Hmmm... mine would be the extended version of Zelda's Lullaby that Zelda plays to link at the end of the game to return him back to childhood. But again that's not quite a song. Fave Ocarina song would be Saria's song and Prelude of Light as well as Elegy of Emptiness (MM)
well it wasnt one u had to play but the guerudo fortress song like when you went into the valley... i have that song as a techno remix its kick a$$, but my favorite one you had to play via ocarina was without a doubt the bolero of fire lol
Well I used 'Song of Storms' for my GCSE music "Composition". I got away with it and got an A so I sort of owe it. My favourite though, is the Seranade of Water. Oh so beautiful.
Serenade of water is nice... but the begining of the song (the part that you play) seems a little.. random, like it doesn't make a tune. But the ending notes sound amazing.
well i would have to say the King of Hyrule's theme song in wind waker!
I also like the final place you go...outside of stone tower temple in Majora's Mask...It is so creepy and I love it!!!
You know I also love the mini dungeon you go through near Stone Tower temple.....Uhhh I can't really choose my favorite though!
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wow, one of the reasons I love The Legend Of Zelda so much is that I love the music...where do I start:
The lost woods in a Link To The Past, the Forest Temple/Serenade of Water/Song of Storms/Nocturne of Shadow in OoT, and Song of Healing/New Wave Basse Nove/music outside Stone Tower Temple (I agree, I love its mysterious spookyness)...I love its music, what can I say?