Which SD Card for the Wii?

Thanks, bradleyd. But that card I linked to in my previous post, I wanted to know is that the right kind of card? I can't tell by the photo Amazon is using if it's too small or just the right size.

I tried to go to the link, but it's not available (404 error), so couldn't answer you directly on that. As long as it is SD it should be fine. If it is a miniSD or a microSD, they usually come with the adapter to fit regular SD slots.

The one you just linked
is the right kind of card yes.
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Ok, thanks. I'm going to see if I can find one locally tomorrow. Staples wants $30-50 for theirs. Ridiculous.
Thanks for the info, but I thought that SDHC cards were not compatible with the Wii?

Oops, duhh - pays to Google first, lol. I guess it does. This is straight off the Nintendo site...

"SD and SDHC Cards are used for data storage in many digital cameras, cell phones, and PCs. The Wii console accepts SD Cards. NEW! Get Wii Menu 4.0 and get the ability to use SDHC (SD High Capacity) Cards with your Wii console with a maximum capacity of 32 GB! MiniSD and microSD Cards can be used with the Wii when they use their respective adapters."

Thanks, lloyd_yayo :)

no problem
Any SD or SDHC card will do. It is best to stick with the better brands such as Sandisk, Kingston. I have a few different cards myself (2GB Kingston microSD, 2 x 4GB Kingston SDHC, 2GB CoreMicro SD which is a cheaper brand but essentially the same as Sandisk), and they all work just fine. You will pay a premium on the higher speed rated cards as well. I would not bother looking at the Wii branded cards as they are exactly the same as the regular cards, only pricier for no reason other than being branded (the branding does indicate officially tested and approved for use on Wii, but it's still just the same card as the non-branded). Keep an eye out on local store sales. I picked up my 2 4GB Kingston SDHC's for 20 bucks during a sale.

I second this. ANY SD card will work with Wii.

Basically if the card doesn't look like your memory stick, then most likely it's an SD card. Also Gamecube games can't save to SD(yeah I know, it's super stupid).
Transcend SDHC cards are cheap and fast, best bang for the buck if you can find them locally.
at gamestop i got the 2g sd card and it says for wii on it. its pretty good i odnt have anything saved on it yet but it has like 15k blocks on it where as my wii internal memory has a little over 1k
For the people doesn´t know about SD cards. Nintendo Wii support any sd card but only with 9pin, also support sdhd card 4gb. Support Micro SD with the adapter. Up to 32gb. I have one sdhd of 4gb on my wii and work find to save games and wii channel. Inside the Wii you will found another sd with 512mb. So you can upgrade and put a sd card 2gb scandisk. Beware if you broken your wii, nintendo can´t pay any damage.
For the people doesn´t know about SD cards. Nintendo Wii support any sd card but only with 9pin, also support sdhd card 4gb. Support Micro SD with the adapter. Up to 32gb. I have one sdhd of 4gb on my wii and work find to save games and wii channel. Inside the Wii you will found another sd with 512mb. So you can upgrade and put a sd card 2gb scandisk. Beware if you broken your wii, nintendo can´t pay any damage.

What on Earth is this guy talking about, I can understand a single sentence.

First off, Ninty is likely to release a follow up firmware update to 4.0u/e, because not all or very little SDHC cards are compatible right now.

Second, no one wants to open their Wii to upgrade the internal memory which by the way is NOT an internal SD card when Channels and VC/WiiWare games are tranferable and playable via SD/SDHC with 4.0u/e.

Now, for those familiar with Wii HomeBrew the Wii uses 512mb of Samsung Nand flash for internal memory chips if they were to use SD for internal memory we would see many dead Wii's 5 years from purchase because SD only has so many read/write cycles. So don't go opening up you Wii in search for an internal 512mb SD card, you will void warranty and might wound with a broken Wii.

So please stop posting bogus replies to a simple question in the forums.
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I got a SanDisk 2GB SD in my wii card slot,it says wii on it and was cheap + its no where even near half full ,let alone full.

£7 from play.com ,thats a uk online store.
So, it's safe to say that this:


will do just fine?
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