Which of these do you think will be announced first?


WiiChat Member
Oct 10, 2007
I am really excited for these games, but was wondering which one would come out first. What do you think?
1. Animal Crossing Wii? They gave that announcement of cell phone to wii messages way back in 2005 or 2006, they have got to be getting close.
2. Pikmin 3? With Olimar being in Brawl, it gives thought to Pikmin 3 being worked on already. I know a good argument against this is that "Ice Climbers are in Brawl. Where's their game? Game and Watch? ROB?" Well, Miyamoto said that we probably haven't seen the last of Pikmin, so you never know.
3. Kid Icarus Wii? This may be a stretch, but why would Pit be pulled from the depths of the NES and Game Boy to be included in SSB if they weren't going to do anything with him? Again, the same Ice Climber Game and Watch ROB argument can be applied, but it's still something to think about.
4. Chibi-Robo Wii? Now this is a BIIIGGG stretch. I really like Chibi-Robo, even though Park Patrol was my worst spent 30$ in years. I can see it coming to the wii soon enough.

Completely ignore the fact that they are probably in the order in which they will be announced, and tell me which you think will be announced first!

Also, here's some food for thought; I heard somewhere about a Kirby Wii on the horizon as well as a Punch-Out! Wiimake. Yes, I just said Wiimake.
Out of what you've chosen to include, I've got to say Animal Crossing, no doubt.

Some titles that you may be forgetting are StarFox Wii, F-Zero WX and [although already mentioned] Kirby Wii.
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LevesqueIsKing said:
Out of what you've chosen to include, I've got to say Animal Crossing, no doubt.

Some titles that you may be forgetting are StarFox Wii, F-Zero WX and [although already mentioned] Kirby Wii.

Ah, I have forgotten Starfox and F-Zero, havn't I? Well, in my opinion, I don't think they'll be hopping on F-Zero very soon, but Starfox is very likely. Thank you for mentioning those two I had forgotten.
Animal Crossing,Pikmin 3 and I want Kirby Wii should all be good.:)
Well yes, out of the list Animal Crossing Wii.
That could come out in 2008 near the end of the year.

Pikmin 3 has not officially been confirmed nor has a Kid Icarus.
Simply rumors, rumors however I wish to come true.
i gotta say pikmin 3, im just basing my thought on the fact that olimar is in brawl and it'd be a good idea to release it soon because brawl is working as good advertizing
Fillieto said:
I want starfox wii.

i loved all the starfox games and i know it will come to the wii, but lets face it, the franchise is dying.(when i say dying, i mean its dying for a nintendo franchise).

animal crossing as already been confirmed for japan in 2008, so i would think it would come out in 2009 everywhere else.
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Well, out of the past 3 Starfox games, only 1 has been average in my opinion. I definately think Nintendo, or whoever they toss the franchise off onto, will take a little more time developing the next game, trying to make it the game that brings Starfox back as one of Nintendo's best franchises. Whether it will work or not, I don't know.

And where was AC announced for a Japan 2008 release? Can you provide some evidence? It would be great if it was, but I don't want to get my hopes up if it's just a rumor.
well the first 2 i believe will both be announced at 3e

animal crossing wii (shiggy has finished a lot of projects, smg, masatog, mario kart wii, all he really has now is wii music, so yeah)

kid icarus-if factor 5 is indeed working on this game, it'll probably be announed then, plus shiggy said he might work on a kid icarus wii game

pikmin 3-shiggy did say he wanted another one, however i believe animal crossing(and possibly kid icarus wii) will come before this

chibi-robo wii, i personally, haven't seen any info about a wii adaption of this game, and like the op said, it's a bit of a stretch

that's my 4 cents
I would really like to see a Kirby for Wii. Or at least Crystal Shards released on VC.
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PacMan200 said:
Oops. Sorry about that.

Not sure what you're apologizing for, but I'll let it slide as long as you promise me to go see Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull 3 times. :yesnod: I know I will.
Nookslave said:
Not sure what you're apologizing for, but I'll let it slide as long as you promise me to go see Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull 3 times. :yesnod: I know I will.
Will do! And I was apologizing for my double post.

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